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South Korea: Yoon Suk-yeol’s desperate martial law defeated within hours

South Korea: Yoon Suk-yeol’s desperate martial law defeated within hours

In Defence of Marxism

Wednesday, 4 December 2024 


South Korea: Yoon Suk-yeol’s desperate martial law defeated within hours

A spectacular political whirlwind has taken place in South Korea, where the President suddenly declared martial law in the name of “defending the country from pro-North Korean forces,” only to be forced to roll it back in a matter of hours. Why did this extraordinary move turn into a farce so quickly, and what forces has this unleashed in the crisis-ridden country?


Ireland: ‘apathy bordering on anger’ – what the elections really show

The Irish general election has returned the two main capitalist parties to the Dáil with enough seats to form the core of a new coalition. The establishment is forcing a weak smile and trying to celebrate. “The choice of the Irish people is clear,” The Irish Times attempted to convince itself, “they want more of the same”.

Au suivant !

Sauf coup de théâtre, le gouvernement Barnier tombera demain ou jeudi. Un nouveau sursis ne pourrait venir que d’un recul du RN ou du PS, à la dernière minute. Or ces deux partis n’auraient rien à y gagner – et beaucoup à y perdre.

Trump contra o “Deep State”

As semanas que se seguem a uma eleição presidencial, em que o Presidente cessante se ocupa a dar os últimos retoques no seu legado, deixando ao Presidente eleito a tarefa de reunir a equipa que tomará as rédeas do poder, são normalmente um período de pousio na política norte-americana. Desta vez, não.
