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France: crisis in the economy and the regime amidst rising class struggle

France: crisis in the economy and the regime amidst rising class struggle

In Defence of Marxism

Thursday, 28 November 2024 


France: crisis in the economy and the regime amidst rising class struggle

French capitalism has entered a new period of massive job destruction. Announcements of closures and redundancy plans are multiplying: Michelin, Auchan, ArcelorMittal, and many others. According to the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), 150,000 industrial jobs are at risk in the short term. By closing down production, contractors are setting off a chain reaction, with suppliers and subcontractors filing for bankruptcy or laying off their own workers.


[Podcast] Netanyahu and the 'rules-based order', the Lebanon ceasefire, and Macron sitting on top of a volcano

This week, the Middle East has once again dominated the news, with the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as the announcement of a supposedly ‘lasting’ ceasefire in Lebanon. In Europe, meanwhile, explosive events are being prepared in France, as the tottering National Assembly is set to face off against a rising tide of class struggle.

Un esordio memorabile – L’assemblea di fondazione del PCR

Il 23 novembre più di 500 militanti provenienti da tutta Italia hanno riempito le sale del Centro Congressi Frentani di Roma per l’assemblea di lancio del Partito Comunista Rivoluzionario. Questo appuntamento costituisce il momento finale di una campagna politica durata mesi, estesa da Trento a Messina; ma, soprattutto, rappresenta un punto di partenza e un appello rivolto a chiunque voglia mobilitarsi contro la diseguaglianza, la guerra e le infinite forme di oppressione generate dal sistema capitalista.

Como Lenine estudou Hegel

No outono de 1914, Lenine iniciou um estudo pormenorizado dos escritos de Hegel. As suas notas contêm uma visão brilhante do método dialético, do qual era mestre. Neste artigo, Hamid Alizadeh expõe os aspectos essenciais deste método, sublinhando a importância fundamental da teoria para o movimento comunista.
