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[Podcast] Threads: a terrifying vision of nuclear annihilation

[Podcast] Threads: a terrifying vision of nuclear annihilation

In Defence of Marxism

Thursday, 17 October 2024 


[Podcast] Threads: a terrifying vision of nuclear annihilation

This year marks 40 years since the release of the film Threads, one of the clearest and most harrowing depictions of the consequences of nuclear war ever produced. With wars and conflicts escalating around the globe, the stark message of this film has never been more relevant. The fight against the barbarity of militarism and imperialism is an existential struggle that communists have a duty to take up.


La crisis inmobiliaria se agudiza a escala internacional: ¡expropiar a los especuladores!

La crisis del capitalismo tiene muchas expresiones: nuevas guerras y conflictos interimperialistas, destrucción del medio ambiente, creciente abismo entre ricos y pobres, declive de la ciencia y la cultura, etc. Un síntoma especialmente llamativo del fracaso del capitalismo es su incapacidad para satisfacer la necesidad humana básica de una vivienda adecuada, incluso en los países más ricos.
