IDOM 44 References


"Lenin: 100 Years on" by Rob Sewell

  1. R Luxemburg, The Russian Revolution, Workers Age Publishers, 1940, pg 12
  2. A Read, The World on Fire, W. W. Norton & Co, 2008, pg 5-6
  3. R Pipes, The Russian Revolution, Vintage, 1991, pg 349
  4. O Figes, A People's Tragedy, Pimlico, 1997, pg 391
  5. ibid. pg 824
  6. V I Lenin, “The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 19, Progress Publishers, 1973, pg 21
  7. V I Lenin, “Left-Wing Communism, an infantile disorder”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 31, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 22
  8. ibid. pg 24
  9. ibid. pg 25-26
  10. V I Lenin, What is to be done?, Wellred Books, 2018, pg 26
  11. V I Lenin, “Certain Features of the Historical Development of Marxism”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 17, Progress Publishers, 1974, pg 43
  12. V I Lenin, “Letter to Comrades”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 26, Progress Publishers, 1972, pg 214
  13. V I Lenin, “‘Left Wing’ Communism: an Infantile Disorder”, The Classics of Marxism, Vol. 2, Wellred Books, 2015, pg 187
  14. L Trotsky, On Lenin, George G.Harrap & Co, 1971, pg 193-194
  15. V I Lenin, “A Letter to Bogdanov and S.I. Gusev”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 8, Progress Publishers, 1977, pg 143-145
  16. ibid. pg 146
  17. V I Lenin, “The First Stage of the First Revolution”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 23, Progress Publishers, 1964, pg 304
  18. V I Lenin, “Letter to J.S. Hanecki”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 35, Progress Publishers, 1973, pg 310
  19. ibid. pg 312
  20. V I Lenin, “Letters on tactics”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 24, Progress Publishers, 1974, pg 44-45
  21. V I Lenin, “Speech at a joint session of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee, the Moscow Soviet, Factory Committees and Trade Unions of Moscow”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 28, Progress Publishers, 1965, pg 24-25
  22. A Macleod, The Death of Uncle Joe, Merlin Press, 1997, pg 212, emphasis added
  23. V I Lenin, “Founding of the Communist International”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 28, Progress Publishers, 1965, pg 481

"Lenin’s last struggle" by Alan Woods

  1. V I Lenin, “Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 57
  2. V I Lenin, “The New Economic Policy And The Tasks Of The Political Education Departments”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 72
  3. V I Lenin, “Five Years of the Russian Revolution and the Prospects of the World Revolution”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 426
  4. V I Lenin, “Note to J. V. Stalin with a Draft Decision for the Politbureau of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) on the Question of the Foreign Trade Monopoly”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 42, Progress Publishers, 1971, pg 418
  5. ibid. footnote no. 476
  6. Ibid.
  7. Quoted in V I Lenin, “Letter To J V Stalin For Members Of The CC, RCP(B) Re The Foreign Trade Monopoly”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 375, footnote no.115
  8. V I Lenin, “Letter to L D Trotsky”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 45, Progress Publishers, 1976, pg 607
  9. E H Carr, A History of Soviet Russia, MacMillan, 1950, pg 203
  10. ibid. pg 227
  11. V I Lenin, “How We Should Reorganise the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection” Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, pg 481
  12. V I Lenin, “Better Fewer, But Better”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, pg 490
  13. ibid. pg 494
  14. E H Carr, A History of Soviet Russia, MacMillan, 1950, pg 349-350
  15. V I Lenin, “Telegram to the Revolutionary Military Council of the 11th Army”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 35, Progress Publishers, 1976, pg 479
  16. M Lewin, Lenin’s Last Struggle, Pantheon Books, 1968, pg 48
  17. V I Lenin, “On the Establishment of the U.S.S.R.” Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 42, Progress Publishers, 1971, pg 421
  18. ibid. pg 422
  19. L Trotsky, The Stalin School of Falsification, Pathfinder Press, 1972, pg 67-68
  20. V I Lenin, “Memo Combatting Dominant Nation Chauvinism”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, pg 372
  21. L Trotsky, The Real Situation in Russia, Harcourt Brace and Co., 1928, pg 304-305
  22. L A Fotieva, “Journal of Lenin’s Duty Secretaries”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 42, Progress Publishers, 1969, pg 484
  23. V I Lenin, “The Question of Nationalities or "Autonomisation"”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 36, Progress Publishers, 1971, pg 610
  24. L A Fotieva, “Journal of Lenin’s Duty Secretaries”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 42, Progress Publishers, 1969, pg 484, emphasis added
  25. ibid. pg 485, footnote no. 607
  26. ibid.
  27. V I Lenin, “Better Fewer, But Better”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, pg 487
  28. V I Lenin, “Political Report Of The Central Committee Of The R.C.P. (B.)”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 279
  29. L Trotsky, The Stalin School of Falsification, Pathfinder Press, 1972, pg 75
  30. L A Fotieva, “Journal of Lenin’s Duty Secretaries”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 42, Progress Publishers, 1969, pg 492-493
  31. M Lewin, Lenin’s Last Struggle, Pantheon Books, 1968, pg 152-153
  32. ibid. pg. 153
  33. L A Fotieva, “Journal of Lenin’s Duty Secretaries”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 42, Progress Publishers, 1969, pg 493, footnote no. 614

"Trotsky’s struggle to rejuvenate the Bolshevik party" by Niklas Albin Svensson

  1. L Trotsky, “First Letter to the CC”, The Challenge of The Left Opposition (1923-25), Pathfinder Press, 2019, pg 69
  2. ibid. pg 68
  3. L Trotsky, My Life, Wellred, 2018, pg 443
  4. R Gregor ed., “On the Intra-Party Situation”, Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Vol. 2, University of Toronto Press, 1974, pg 208
  5. E H Carr, The Interregnum 1923-24, The MacMillan Press, 1978, pg 307
  6. L Trotsky, The New Course, University of Michigan Press, 1965, pg 21
  7. ibid.
  8. ibid. pg 26
  9. ibid. pg 22
  10. ibid. pg 92
  11. ibid.
  12. ibid. pg 103
  13. ibid. pg 53
  14. ibid. pg 47
  15. ibid. pg 54
  16. ibid. pg 48
  17. ibid. pg 49
  18. ibid. pg 56
  19. ibid. pg 53
  20. ibid. pg 33
  21. ibid. pg 90
  22. ibid. pg 18

"Lenin Against ‘Oblomovism’: the struggle for revolutionary action" by Ben Gliniecki

  1. V I Lenin, “A letter to A. A. Bogdanov and S I Gusev”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 8, Progress Publishers, 1977, pg 143
  2. V I Lenin, “The International and Domestic Situation of the Soviet Republic”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 223
  3. I Goncharov, Oblomov, Penguin Books, 2005, pg 113
  4. ibid. pg 113
  5. ibid. pg 124
  6. ibid.
  7. ibid. pg 68
  8. ibid. pg 63
  9. ibid. pg 362
  10. ibid.
  11. K Marx, F Engels, The German Ideology, Progress Publishers, 1976, pg 67
  12. V I Lenin, “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 7, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 393
  13. V I Lenin, “Letter to S I Gusev”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 34, Progress Publishers, 1974, pg 296-297
  14. I Goncharov, Oblomov, Penguin Books, 2005, pg 187
  15. V I Lenin, “The International and Domestic Situation of the Soviet Republic”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 33, Progress Publishers, 1966, pg 223
  16. ibid. pg 225
  17. ibid.
  18. ibid. pg 214
  19. N Valentinov, Encounters with Lenin, Oxford University Press, 1968, pg 50-51

How Lenin studied Hegel by Hamid Alizadeh

  1. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 176
  2. L Trotsky, “How Lenin Studied Marx”, Fourth International, Vol.11, No.4, July-August 1950, pg 126
  3. V I Lenin, What is to be done?, Wellred Books, 2018, pg 26
  4. V I Lenin, “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 7, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 412
  5. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 171, emphasis in original throughout
  6. G W F Hegel, The Science of Logic, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pg 60
  7. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 110
  8. ibid. pg 141
  9. G W F Hegel, The Science of Logic, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pg 61
  10. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 123
  11. ibid. pg 124
  12. ibid. pg 134
  13. C Darwin, The Origin of Species, P F Collier and Son, 1909, pg 529
  14. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 208
  15. ibid. pg 139
  16. G W F Hegel, The Science of Logic, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pg 382
  17. V I Lenin, “On the Question of Dialectics”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 360
  18. ibid. pg 360-361
  19. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 180
  20. ibid. pg 174
  21. ibid. pg 234
  22. ibid. pg 104
  23. F Engels, “Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy”, Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works, Vol. 26, Progress Publishers, 1990, pg 360
  24. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 92-93
  25. K Marx, The German Ideology, International Publishers, 1947, pg 13-14
  26. V I Lenin, “Conspectus of Hegel’s Book ‘The Science of Logic’”, Lenin Collected Works, Vol. 38, Progress Publishers, 1961, pg 217
  27. ibid. pg 182
  28. ibid. pg 219
  29. ibid. pg 222
  30. L Trotsky, “How Lenin Studied Marx”, Fourth International, Vol.11, No.4, July-August 1950, pg 127
  31. L Trotsky, In Defence of Marxism, Wellred Books, 2019, pg 106