British poets and the French Revolution This article by Alan Woods looks at how the French Revolution affected British poets. It struck Britain like a thunderbolt affecting all layers of society and this was reflected in its artists and writers.
Figaro and the French Revolution Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered by many as the greatest musician of all time. He was revolutionary in more senses than one. One of his main achievements was in the field of opera. Before Mozart, opera was seen as an art form exclusively for the upper classes. This was true not only of those who went to see it, but also of its dramatis personae - the characters who were shown on the stage, and especially the protagonists. With The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro in its original Italian title), all this changes. This is the story of a servant who stands up to his boss and outwits his master.
'The Leopard': a class insight into Italy’s bourgeois revolution Today, Netflix has released a new series, The Leopard, based on the 1958 book of the same name by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, which follows the last days of a dying Sicilian prince in the time of Italian reunification. We publish below a review of that 1958 classic by Stan Laight. [Note: the following review contains spoilers.]
A muse of fire: art, society and revolution Art has accompanied us throughout the history of our species. And while it has its own laws of development, the history of art also reflects the fundamental, revolutionary changes that have shaped human society. In this article, Alan Woods examines some of the great revolutions in art and society, and the role of art in the emancipation of the working class.
‘Prometheus Bound’: a prism of the Greek enlightenment With its message of human progress and defiance in the face of oppression, Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound has inspired revolutionaries for thousands of years. In this article, Jesse Murray-Dean explores the main themes of the play, the historical context in which it was written, and the influence it has had right up to our own time.
David Lynch: the abstraction in human form David Lynch, who died on 15 January 2025 at the age of 78, made surreal, deeply unsettling films and television shows, including Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and many others. His works were mysterious, even inscrutable at times, and used dreamlike imagery to explore the alienated state of American society. Despite the eccentricity of much of his output, he enjoyed considerable success and amassed a legendary reputation as a singular artist with the unique ability to capture the absurdity of everyday life under capitalism.
Chinatown at 50: Hollywood’s dark pinnacle The neo-noir classic Chinatown was released 50 years ago. Despite the controversy surrounding its disgraced director, Roman Polanski, its complex themes and impeccable technical craftsmanship retain all of their impact today. The film is a product of a brief renaissance in 1960s-70s Hollywood, an era that hints at what can be achieved when artists are allowed to freely pursue their ambitions. This period also highlights the contradictions imposed on art by a society enslaved by the market, and poisoned by exploitation.
Is art necessary? We publish here the editorial of issue 46 of In Defence of Marxism magazine, which looks at the relationship of culture, and art in particular, to the struggle for socialist revolution and human emancipation. In this editorial, Alan Woods dismantles the lazy caricature of Marxism as unconcerned with the rich cultural and artistic history of humanity. Issue 46 of In Defence of Marxism magazine is available now! Get your copy here.
The necessity of art – new issue of "In Defence of Marxism" magazine out now! Issue 46 of In Defence of Marxism, the quarterly theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist International is now available for purchase! Click here to get your copy. This issue deals with the very important question of the relationship of culture, and art in particular, to the struggle for socialist revolution and human freedom.
Theatre and revolution: the life and legacy of Konstantin Stanislavski Konstantin Stanislavski is perhaps the greatest and most influential figure in the history of acting. His comprehensive system of training has dominated the world of theatre and film from the early 20th century until today.
James Joyce's Dubliners: a masterful depiction of decaying capitalism Following the article on James Joyce’s Ulysses, published in issue 39 of In Defence of Marxism magazine, Hamid Alizadeh of the IDOM editorial board writes on Joyce’s Dubliners: a masterful critique of the paralysis, hypocrisy and alienation of Irish bourgeois society in the 20th century, which epitomised the ferment brewing in Ireland in the years prior to the Easter Rising of 1916.
Shakespeare: a revolutionary in literature Today, 8 November, marks 400 years since the publication of the first volume of Shakespeare’s collected plays, known as his “First Folio”. Published seven years after his death, the First Folio included 36 of his works – from “The Tempest” to “Macbeth” – many of which had never been published and would otherwise likely have been lost.
Revolutionary and life affirming: one hundred years of James Joyce’s Ulysses In this article, published in issue 39 of In Defence of Marxism magazine last autumn to celebrate the book’s centenary, John McInally looks at James Joyce’s revolutionary novel Ulysses, challenges the view that it is apolitical, and explains why it should be on your reading list.
The death of the artist? A Marxist perspective on AI-generated art The year is 2018. At the prestigious Christie’s fine art auction in New York City, a blurry portrait of a besuited gentleman hangs alongside an Andy Warhol print and a bronze sculpture by Roy Lichtenstein. It is titled: ‘Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy’. An anonymous phone bidder purchases the portrait for a whopping $432,500, against an initial estimate of $7,000-$10,000. At the bottom of the frame, rather than a signature, there is a line of code. It was not produced by human hands, but by an artificial intelligence (AI).
‘The Godfather’ – 50 years on: a cinematic masterpiece tarnished by profit The Godfather was released 50 years ago today. The film remains a masterpiece to this day, brilliantly depicting the ruthless logic of capitalism. But the third instalment of Coppola's trilogy reveals the suffocating effect of profit on cinema.