The real ideas of Lenin and Trotsky

On this day in 1940, Trotsky died of injuries inflicted by a Stalinist agent. Despite the lies of Stalin’s epigones, there is nothing in Trotsky’s ideas that cannot also be found in Lenin. The two men reached the same political conclusions and led the Russian Revolution to victory in 1917, at the head of the Bolshevik Party. Both understood the necessity of world revolution; and after Lenin died, Trotsky continued to defend his real ideas and legacy against Stalin’s bureaucratic counterrevolution. It was for this reason that he was marked for death.

In this video message to a commemorative meeting at the Trotsky House Museum in Coyoacán, Mexico, our lead theoretician Alan Woods talks about Trotsky’s close partnership with Lenin and his lifelong struggle for communism. We in the Revolutionary Communist International continue this struggle today, and aim to finish what Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolshevik Party started, with the overthrow of capitalism and the building of communism in our lifetimes!

Note: the video is in Spanish, with the option of English subtitles.

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