Ted Grant: the unbroken thread of Marxism Today, 9th July, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ted Grant, the founder of the International Marxist Tendency. Rob Sewell, editor of the British Marxist paper Socialist Appeal, outlines the important role played by Ted in building the forces of Marxism during his lifetime and discusses the legacy of Ted for Marxists today.
Britain: The Matchgirls strike - from a spark to a blaze In July 1888, 1,400 female workers walked out on strike at the Bryant and May factory in East London. 125 years later, that struggle still holds a place of honour in the history of the labour movement.
The Ideas of Karl Marx - Part three In the third and final part of his article about the ideas of Karl Marx, Alan Woods deals with the question of Marxist philosophy and also illustrates how the method of Marxism is more relevant than ever in analysing the present crisis of Capitalism and show a way out of the impasse.