On the 65th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky, a 1988 reminiscence from Jake Cooper Following our previous article on the 65th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky we publish this interview with Jake Cooper. He was one of Trotsky’s guards in Mexico who was present in the house at the time of the assassination.
Sixty-five years since Trotsky's Death Yesterday marked the 65th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky. He had been brutally struck down on August 20, 1940 by the hand of an assassin, an agent of Joseph Stalin, and rushed to hospital where he died at 7.25 p.m. the following day. He was sixty years old. On this commemoration, Rob Sewell takes a look at Trotsky’s life.
British Trotskyism in the Second World War This is in Part Two of Ted Grant's History of British Trotskyism which outlines how the British Trotskyists applied and developed Trotsky's military policy.