Britain: The Newport Rising and Chartist Revolution On the night of 3-4 November 1839, workers in Wales launched an insurrection known as the Newport Rising. These events are vividly discussed in Rob Sewell’s new book ‘Chartist Revolution’. Get your copy today to find out more.
Introducing: 'Chartist Revolution' by Rob Sewell – out now! We are excited to announce the publication of a new book by Rob Sewell, editor of Socialist Appeal, on Chartism: a titanic struggle by British workers in the 1800s that involved arming, general strikes and insurrection, a fact buried by official 'histories'. Until the end of October, Chartist Revolution is available for pre-order at Wellred books for a special discounted price!
The Black Death: the pandemic that changed the world The Black Death of the 14th century dealt a mortal blow to the feudal system, which was decaying even before the plague hit. Similarly today, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the bankruptcy of capitalism – and the need for socialism.