Muddleheadedness (More on the subject of annexations) "Annexation means keeping an alien people by force within the bounds of a given state." Pravda No. 60, May 31 (18), 1917.The editors of Izvestia, a paper controlled by the Narodnik and Menshevik bloc, are beating all records of muddledom. In that paper’s issue No.67 for May 16, they try to chop logic with Pravda, without, of course, mentioning its name—a usual ill-mannered “ministerial” practice. Pravda, we are told, has a foggy, misleading idea of annexations.
The Harm of Phrase-Mongering "The Narodnik and Menshevik ministerialists are spouting phrases about “democracy” in the abstract, about “Revolution” in the abstract in order to cover up their agreement with the imperialist, now definitely counter-revolutionary, bourgeoisie of their own country"
Inevitable Catastrophe and Extravagant Promises ''The most useful and indispensable job for the people at this moment of impending catastrophe is that of organisation.''Published in Pravda No. 58 and 59, May 29 and 30 (16 and 17), 1917.