Equal Value in the NHS: Fight for equal pay! Peter Doyle, an organiser for the public sector union Unison in Cumbria, Northern England, reports on the Equal Value claims that his union region is submitting to the government to get women workers in traditional "women's jobs" in the health service the same levels of pay as workers in traditional "men's jobs". They are on the verge of an important victory.
The role of women in the trade unions and the struggle of the PTUDC This is a report from Pakistan on the conditions of women workers and the activities and programme of the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign on this question.
Mexico - Genocide against women workers On the occasion of the International Day against Violence against women we are publishing this article on the murders of women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. More than 4,000 women, young workers and students, have disappeared since 1993 in this Mexican city in the US border. Recent investigations have uncovered a network linking these disappearances to drugs, smuggling, political corruption, etc.