90th Anniversary Commemoration of the Limerick Soviet The Limerick Soviet was established on 6th April 1919, a few months after the Dail proclaimed independence from Britain in January. We have received this report of the commemoration meeting. This report nicely accompanies our earlier account of the struggle.
The Limerick Soviet of 1919 Recent weeks have seen Ireland bear witness to two factory occupations that subsequently inspired similar actions across Britain. These events are significant developments in class struggle in that they pose the question of whether power resides with the boss or the workers. It is fitting that these events should coincide with the ninetieth anniversary of the Limerick Soviet.
Is the consciousness of the masses too low? Or is the problem one of leadership? It is fashionable among some layers on the left to blame the workers' "low consciousness" for the lack of a genuine left alternative emerging within the labour movement internationally. This is utterly false and represents a lack of understanding of how the working class moves historically. The working class is fully aware of the situation it is in. What it requires is a leadership up to task of leading the class in its struggle to change society.