A Better World Is Possible With Socialism Ann Robertson in this article originally published in 2002 takes up the arguments often used by reactionaries to present a caricature of what socialism really is. Stalinism is often invoked as if that were genuine socialism. Ann explains what socialism really is.
John MacLean, a working class hero: the story of Scotland's greatest revolutionary figure Some will seek to dismiss the ideas and programme for which John MacLean gave his life as being outdated. It is hoped that this modest contribution will revive those ideas and contribute towards the real memory of John MacLean - the greatest revolutionary Scotland has ever produced.
Socialism: what it is – what it is not In a socialist society, workers will be in a position to decide which kind of investments are required to promote the social well-being of the majority; for example, quality education, housing, public transportation, health care, cleaning up the environment, developing solar energy, organic farming, etc.