Lenin on the Third International: “a new era in world history has begun” In this instalment of our series, Lenin in a Year, we take a look at a short but very interesting text by Lenin, written in 1919, The Third International and its Place in History. This year represented the high water mark of a European-wide wave of revolutions. The foundations of capitalism were shaking. And to lead the European and world proletariat, Lenin led the founding of a new Third Communist International.
Lenin in power: how the class struggle continued after the workers took power By October 1919, the soviet republic in Russia was approaching its second anniversary. Since 1917, the Russian workers had taken the first steps towards communism. This remains one of the most extraordinary periods in human history. For the first time – in a country covering one sixth of the Earth’s surface – the capitalists and large landowners were expropriated. The economy was nationalised and placed under the control of the workers' state.
Catch up: the World School of Communism - now available as podcasts! In June, hundreds of revolutionaries from all over the world gathered in Italy for the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International and the World School of Communism, with thousands more participating online. All 20 talks from the World School of Communism are now available as podcasts. They are a highly valuable resource, full of valuable lessons, which we urge all communists to make use of.