The Significance of Fraternisation Published in Pravda No. 43, May 11 (April 28), 1917.The capitalists either sneer at the fraternisation of the soldiers at the front or savagely attack it. By lies and slander they try to make out that the whole thing is “deception” of the Russians by the Germans, and threaten—through their generals and officers—punishment for fraternisation.
Foolish Gloating Published in Pravda No. 40, May 8 (April 25), 1917.Rabochaya Gazeta gloats and crows over the recent resolution of the Central Committee which has revealed (in connection, be it noted, with the now published declaration of the representatives of the Bolshevik group in the Soviet) certain disagreements within our Party.
The Seventh (April) All-Russia Conference of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) "We have to speak to the millions; we must draw fresh forces from among the masses, we must call for more developed class-conscious workers who would popularise our theses in a way the masses would understand."