The International faces state repression: Report of the General Council to the Fifth Annual Congress of the IWA held at the Hague The Franco-German War and the Civil War in France were preceded, accompanied, and followed by a third war - the war against the International Working Men's Association. Following the defeat of the Paris Commune, the International was faced with a concerted onslaught of reaction, aggravated by the internal intrigues by both the anarchists and the agents of the state.
Declaration of the General Council concerning the Universal Federalist Council In 1872 a grouping made up of various organisations, claiming to be part of the First International and even declaring an alternative “General Council”, had to be denounced by the General Council publicly to clarify matters.
Resolutions of the Meeting held to celebrate the Anniversary of the Paris Commune “That this meeting assembled to celebrate the anniversary of the 18th March last, declares, that it looks upon the glorious movement inaugurated upon the 18th March, 1871, as the dawn of the great social revolution which will for ever free the human race from class rule.”