‘Attention to theory’ by Leon Trotsky – new translation! We are extremely proud to publish here a brand new English translation of a short 1922 article by Leon Trotsky, Attention to theory. First published in the monthly magazine Under the banner of Marxism, this article met with Lenin’s full approval and is referred to in a piece he wrote for the third edition of the magazine, On the significance of militant materialism. We are republishing the latter alongside this article.
On the significance of militant materialism This week in our Lenin in a Year series, we republish a very important article by Lenin from 1922, ‘On the Significance of Militant Materialism’. This article was published in Issue 3 of the monthly journal Pod Znamenem Marksizma (Under the Banner of Marxism). We are also proud to publish a brand-new translation alongside it of a very interesting article by Trotsky, which Lenin directly refers to in this article.
The slide to war: have the ruling class gone mad? The Middle East is sliding, inexorably it seems, towards regional war. Whose interests would such a war benefit? In a discussion we had in the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International, we asked ourselves this question.