The struggle for world revolution – by Alan Woods Issue 47 of In Defence of Marxism magazine – the quarterly theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist International – is out now! We publish here Alan Woods’ editorial for this issue, in which he traces the lessons of the international communist movement from the times of Marx and Engels to today, and the revolutionary tradition of struggle against militarism, imperialism and war, which communists continue down to the present. Get your copy of issue 47 of In Defence of Marxism magazine now!
Lenin between the revolutions: the writings that led to October The year 1917 stands out as a turning point in human history. For the first time, the downtrodden, toiling masses fought back – and won! But we can say with certainty that that victory was only possible because of the presence of a theoretically trained and practically steeled party, the most revolutionary party in history, the Bolshevik Party. But even that party would have failed to achieve such a task without the crystal-clear and razor-sharp leadership of Lenin. We publish here the introduction to a brand new selection of Lenin’s invaluable 1917 writings.
Lenin's "'Left-Wing' Communism": Bolshevik tactics versus revolutionary impatience Last time in Lenin in a Year, we looked at the foundation of the Third (Communist) International. The Communist International was not built overnight. The newly created national sections lacked the hard-won revolutionary experience that had enabled the Bolsheviks to conquer power, and were plagued with immature, anarchistic impatience, which Lenin called 'ultra-leftism'. To overcome this immaturity, Lenin wrote his 1920 masterpiece on communist strategy and tactics 'Left-wing' communism: An infantile disorder. Below, we republish an introduction to Wellred Books' new edition of this classic. Get your copy of 'Left-Wing' Communism now!