Mikhail Frunze We republish here Trotsky's speech on the occasion of Mikhail Frunze's death. It was published in lzvestlya on November 13, 1925. Trotsky was at the time the subject of a virulent witch hunt by the rising Stalinist bureaucracy. He had been forced to vacate his post as Commissar of War to Frunze, the choice of the Zinoviev-Kamenev-Stalin triumvirate. Frunze was politically close to Zinoviev, but Trotsky still pays tribute to the genuine Bolshevik qualities embodied by Frunze.
The ''Virtual Armistice'' Published in Pravda No. 52, May 22 (9), 1917.Novaya Zhizn for May 7 publishes interviews with ministers of the ''new'' government. Prime Minister Lvov has declared that ''the country must have its weighty say and send its army into battle''.This is the sum and substance of the new government’s ''programme''. An offensive, an offensive, an offensive!
Class Collaboration With Capital, or Class Struggle Against Capital? Published in Pravda No. 50, May 19 (6), 1917.That is how history puts the issue—and not history in general, but the economic and political history of the Russia of today.The Narodniks and Mensheviks, Chernov and Tsereteli, have transferred the Contact Commission from the room adjacent to the one the ministers used to meet in to the ministerial chamber itself. This, and this alone, is the purely political significance of the “new” cabinet.