What will socialism look like? Today, we find ourselves in the midst of one of the deepest crises capitalism has ever faced. While the 99% are being asked to pay for the crisis, the 1% are amassing wealth at an ever accelerating pace. The saturating level of scandal and corruption in the establishment is alienating millions from traditional politics. All of this is causing a deep questioning of capitalist society. Many are looking for an alternative to the system that we have, and a growing number are looking towards revolutionary socialism for the answer.
Marxism and the national question in Scotland We have entered into a new period on an international scale: a period of deep economic crisis, social and political instability. The masses everywhere are beginning to question things that were previously taken for granted. The whole political scene is a seething cauldron. In such a period sharp and sudden changes are implicit in the situation. The Scottish referendum was just such a sudden change, a political earthquake that upset all the calculations of the politicians. It represented a fundamental turn in the situation.
Malcolm X: "You show me a capitalist, I’ll show you a bloodsucker.” Fifty years ago Malcolm X was brutally asassinated and thus one of the loudest voices against injustice was removed. In the last period of his life he was evolving towards a class understanding of society. As he said, "we are today seeing a global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter.” We republish here an article about the man and his ideas. (Click here)