Two Shortcomings Written June 5 (May 23), 1917.In criticising other parties we should not forget to criticise ourselves. The published lists of candidates for members of the Petrograd District Councils have revealed two short comings in our Party organisation and Party work.
On the “Unauthorised Seizure” of Land "If the peasants sow the fields poorly, they should be helped—and this particularly applies to the poor peasants—by means of collective cultivation of the large estates. There is no other way of helping the poor peasants. And this, unfortunately, is just the remedy which S. Maslov does not propose." Published in Pravda No. 61, June 2 (May 20), 1917.
Has Dual Power Disappeared? It has not. Dual power still remains. The basic question of every revolution, that of state power, is still in an uncertain, unstable, and obviously transitory state.