Lenin in a Year: an indelible legacy This year marked the centenary of Lenin’s death. In order to reclaim the real legacy of one of history’s greatest revolutionaries, we dedicated a series of articles to some of Lenin’s most important texts throughout 2024.
Lenin’s struggle against bureaucracy This year, for the centenary of Lenin’s death, we have dedicated our ‘Lenin in a year’ series to explaining the key works of this great revolutionary. As the year draws to a close, we share the final part of this series, which covers Lenin’s last struggle, as well as the works produced to wage it, chiefly his postscript to his ‘Letter to the Congress’, also known as his ‘Testament’.
Frantz Fanon’s ‘Wretched of the Earth’ – A Marxist critique The name of Frantz Fanon is intimately associated with the anti-colonial struggle of the postwar period, and his major work, The Wretched of the Earth, is regularly cited as a handbook for anti-imperialist struggle around the world. In this article, Jorge Martín separates the real Fanon from his postcolonial interpreters, and explains both the strengths and the flaws of his ideas.