Vive la Commune! Marx's ‘The Civil War in France’ – pre-order now! Wellred Books is proud to launch a new edition of The Civil War in France by Karl Marx (pre-order now), to coincide with the 150th anniversary of that great chapter in working-class history: the Paris Commune. Our edition features a new introduction providing the historical background to the Paris Commune, as well as Engels' 1891 introduction and articles by Lenin and Trotsky. Register to attend our free book launch event today, and claim your special discount!
History of the Paris Commune of 1871 This book is an excellent history of the Paris Commune. Its author Lissagaray was a direct participant and fought for the Commune on the barricades. He collected testimonies from the survivors in exile in London, Switzerland and consulted all documents available at the time to ensure accuracy. He was assisted by Karl Marx in the writing of this classic, which was translated to English by Eleanor Marx.
Reclaiming the revolutionary legacy of Rosa Luxemburg To celebrate the 150th birthday of Rosa Luxemburg, we publish an extract from the introduction to The Revolutionary Heritage of Rosa Luxemburg, a new book analysing the life and ideas of this great revolutionary Marxist.