May Day in the West and the East: On the 35th Anniversary of the May Day Holiday A speech by Trotsky at the Commemorative Plenum of the Moscow Soviet in April 1923, in which he highlights the meaning of May Day in the light of the revolutionary events unfolding worldwide in that period.
The Idea of May Day on the March Here Rosa Luxemburg stresses the fact that the period that gave rise to reformist thinking had come to an end with capitalism entering crisis and war looming on the horizon. First published in Liepziger Volkszeitung, April 30, 1913.
The Treaty of Versailles - the Peace to end all Peace The Versailles Treaty of 1919 was one of the most outrageous and predatory treaties in history. It was a blatant act of plunder perpetrated by a gang of robbers against a helpless, prostrate and bleeding Germany. The proceedings at Versailles are highly enlightening because they reveal the inner workings of imperialist diplomacy, the crude reality of power politics and the material interests that lurk behind the flowery phrases about Liberty, Humanitarianism, Pacifism and Democracy.