Review: ‘Don’t Look Up’ – don’t leave it to the liberals to save us Adam McKay’s satirical film Don’t Look Up (available on Netflix) is one of the most divisive films of the year just gone – provoking anger amongst the reactionary right and so-called ‘progressive’ liberals alike.
Rosa Luxemburg and the Bolsheviks: dispelling the myths Wellred Books is proud to announce the forthcoming release of an important new title by Marie Frederiksen, The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. This great revolutionary martyr has often been misrepresented as an opponent of the October Revolution, and as standing for some sort of ‘softer’, ‘anti-authoritarian’ Marxism as against that of Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
War, peace and class struggle: Marxism vs. pacifism The question of violence is often posed as an abstract theoretical one. Pacifists cordon off the concept of ‘violence’ and treat it apart from every other aspect of human relations. But as the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz said: “war is the continuation of politics by other means”. Declaring opposition to violence ‘in general’ is as meaningless and utopian as declaring opposition to politics ‘in general’. We must be concrete. What kind of violence are we opposed to? And how do we struggle against it?