International solidarity with the Haitian revolution: down with the injustice of the Moïse regime! Image: Pardon Assange We ask worker and student activists and organisations around the world to show their solidarity with the struggle in Haiti by sharing this statement, taking pictures and making statements of their own on social media using the hashtags #SolidaritéAvecLaLutteEnHaïti and #ABasLeRégimeMoïse. To add the name of your organisation to the statement please contact in French and Spanish |The regime of Jovenel Moïse in Haiti is completely illegitimate and corrupt. With parliament dissolved, Moïse rules by decree and has been viciously consolidating his power with the support of armed gangs. The gangs have committed many crimes, attacking popular neighbourhoods and killing opponents of the regime with impunity. With the political and economic crisis deepening, Möise has been calling for a new constitution to further consolidate his power. At the end of August, Monferrier Dorval, the head of the Port-au-Prince bar association and opponent of the regime, was assassinated outside his home. This murder sparked intense student protests denouncing the Moïse regime. Grégory Saint-Hilaire, a student at the State University of Haiti, was killed at a protest on 2 October. Another student was killed on 5 October, while protesting the death of Saint-Hilaire. We stand against the Moïse regime and these killings.No to the privatisation of education!No to the privatisation of health services!Down with the Moïse regime!For international solidarity with the struggle in Haiti!Down with imperialism, for socialism in Haiti!IMT and ELAPRESignatories:ArgentinaChavismoSurManos Fuera de VenezuelaCírculos Marxistas Buenos AiresCírculos Marxistas Universitarios RosarioBrazilLiberdade e LutaBritainMarxist Student FederationCanadaLa Riposte socialiste étudiante - Socialist Fightback StudentsLabour Fightback (English Canada)ChileEl PorteñoAsamblea Popular Cerro Alegre, ValparaísoDenmarkMarxistiske Studerende SalvadorFuerza de Acción Universitaria (FAU), Bloque Popular Juvenil (BPJ)FranceCercles Marxistes - universities of Paris, Toulouse, Lyon et MarseilleGermanyMarxistische Studierende - Alziamo La Testa! Instagram:é de Lucha Estudiantil Politécnico y Juventudes MarxistasNetherlands Marxistische StudentenNorwaySosialistisk RevolusjonPakistanProgressive Youth AllianceSpainCírculos Marxistas UniversitariosComités de Lucha EstudiantilSwedenMarxistiska Studenter Studierende Zurich Society Uni Basel Association des étudiant-e-s marxistes de l'UNIGE - Geneva Verein Unibe Marxists, PhiladelphiaThe President and Vice President of the Temple Marxists - the Marxist student organization of Temple University - send their solidarity to the workers and students in Haiti fighting the reactionary Moïse regime! An injury to one is an injury to us all! Socialism is International or it is nothing! International Solidarity with the struggle in Haiti! Down with imperialism, for socialism in Haiti!San Francisco Bay Area Branch of Socialist Revolution IMT(US)MadisonYugoslaviaMarxist Organisation "Crveni" (Reds) - Yugoslav section of the IMTCommunists of Serbia - KSCommunist League of Bosnia and Herzegovina - SKBiHItaly: ALT - Alziamo La Testa!