Great response to “appeal to the workers of the world”

Our Italian comrades’ recent appeal (which we republish below), has so far had a great impact and we have received hundreds of signatures from youth and worker activists from across the world. We are publishing their names here. If you have not signed yet, please do so here!

The struggle for workers’ health and safety has yet again been put on the agenda. In all countries, the callous attitude of the bosses towards the wellbeing of the workers has led to increased class struggle. In Italy, a wave of strikes over the past month including upwards to 100,000 workers demanding inessential workplaces to be shut down put enormous pressure on the ruling class.

Based on that movement, the comrades of the IMT in Italy, Sinistra Classe Rivoluzione launched a campaign, “Workers are not cannon fodder”, for the closure of all non-essential production, with the workers to be sent home on full pay; and where work is deemed essential for full protective equipment to be provided and safety procedures strictly adhered to. The campaign was a huge success and led to a meeting of workers activists organised last Monday, which issued an “appeal to the workers of the world” to unite on similar demands.

Sign the appeal below to show your solidarity!

Signatories so far:


Malvina Alvides, union delegate in the Unified Union of Education Workers of Buenos Aires (SUTEBA)


Junia Cláudia Santana de Mattos Zaidan, UFES Faculty Association (ADUFES - trade union section) - Secretary General

André Moreira (Lawyer)

Fabiano Stoiev, Curitiba Norte Union Centre - Union of workers in education of Paraná State - APP Union - Secretary General

Vanessa Fabri, North Curitiba Union Centre - Union of workers in education of Paraná State- APP Union - Education Secretary

Meire Donata, North Curitiba Union Centre - Union of workers in education of Paraná State - APP Union - Secretary Organisation

ADUFMAT - Association of Professors of the Federal University of Matogrosso:

Aldi Nestor de Souza (Director General)

Elvis Lira da Silva (secretary director)

Maelison Neves (second secretary director)

Djeison Benetti (Treasurer General)

Lélica Elis Lacerda (Communications Director)

Armando Wilson Tafner Junior (Director of Sociocultural Affairs)

Michel Goulart da Silva, Sinasefe Litoral - Secretary of Communications

Ana Claudia da Silva, Professor

Estácio da Rosa Filho, Retired Public Servant

Fabiana Toledo Soares Paiva, Comcap worker (Florianópolis State rubbish collection)

Marcio Bittencourt of Birth, Comcap worker (Florianópolis State rubbish collection)

Rosângela Soldatelli, Retired professor

Alex Sandro Batista dos Santos, Executive of the National Confederation of Municipal Public Service Workers - member

Natalia Kons, Univille Academic Biology Centre - University - President

Henrique de Macedo Airoso da Silva, Academic Centre of Physics of the State University of Santa Catarina - political director

Adilson Mariano, Union of Workers in Education of Santa Catarina (Sinte) - adviser

Claudio Silva, Union of Workers in Education of Santa Catarina (Sinte) - adviser

Edson da Silva, Union of Workers of Water and Sewage Services Companies of Joinville (Sintraej) - President

Cynthia Maria Pinto da Luz, Human Rights State Council / Santa Catarina - President

Leticia Florian, Intern at Talentos School

Antonio Félix Mafra, Professor at Rosa Maria Berezoski Demarchi School

Francine Hellmann, Journalist

Roque José Ferreira, Retired railway worker

Adel Daher Filho, Bauru and Mato Grosso do Sul Railway Union - CUT - Araçatuba - director

Paulínia Claudia Pompey, Union of municipal civil servants of Paulínia - president

Lucas Dametto, Cptm Privatisation Committee - coordinator

Collective of Outsourced Workers of Public Policies of SP - coordination members:

Kanansue Gomez

Anderson Dias

Éder Dias

Peter Bernardes

Arthur Pen

Renan Noble

Sara Rodrigues

Valeria Oliveira, APEOESP – Base Trade Union Representative

Christian Sacconi

Leandro Oliveira

Renata Costa

Luciana Cunha, SINPEEM - Base Trade Union Representative

Alexandre Mandl, Lawyer of the Flaskô Factory


Steven de Backer, Rizla Wilrijk ABVV, Antwerpen

Kyle Michiels Spokesperson Collectif des Coursiers/Koerierscollectief, Brussels

Brikci Karim, CHU Brugmann CGSP ALR Bruxelles Shop Steward, Brussels

Wim Benda, Atheneum van Kapellen, member Acod Onderwijs Antwerp committee, Antwerpen

Hebrant, Services publics Council workers union Shop Steward, Brussels

Pablo Sanchez, EPSU SETCA (FGTB) Press officer, Brussels

David Baele ABVV - Algemene Centrale Branch secretary textile industry, Herzele

Maxime Nys, Civil cervant / secretary Trade union ACOD/CGSP, Brussels

Bourhidane Jalil, CNE - CSC Secretary retail workers union, Brussels

Vanhaelen Gerpinnes, CSC-CNE Secretary Rest and Care Homeworkers, Bruxelles

Ronnie Ramirez, ZIN TV Collective Action Media, Bruxelles

United states

Dave May, member of NALC, Branch 5847 (National Association of Letter Carriers), AFL-CIO, St. Louis, Mo. Metropolitan area (personal capacity)

Chris Persampieri, member of NALC Local 18, (National Association of Letter Carriers), AFL-CIO; Boston, Mass. Metropolitan Area. (personal capacity)

Josh Lucker, member of Southwestern Illinois College Faculty Union Local 041830, part of IFT/AFT (American Federation of Teachers), AFL-CIO; Adjunct Faculty Union of Southwestern Illinois College Local 6270, part of IFT/AFT, AFL-CIO; (personal capacity for both unions)

Stefanie Reis, Massachusetts Nursing Union (Boston) (personal capacity).

Nate Brown, Wesport Federation of Teachers, AFT, AFL-CIO, Massachusetts (personal capacity)

Jess Walker, HUCTW, Harvard Union of Clerical & technical Workers, AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), AFL-CIO; Boston Metropolitan area (personal capacity)

Rob Mirabito, Carpenters Union, Local 327, Boston (personal capacity)

Jack O’Dowd, member of Seafarers International Union (NJ) New Jersey (personal capacity)

Jonathan Lange, member of NWU/UAW Local 1981, AFL-CIO (National Writers Union, Philadelphia, PA.) (personal capacity)

Justin Deters, WGWU Washington University Graduate Workers Union, St. Louis Metro area (personal capacity)


Hans-Gerd Öfinger (ver.di, Wiesbaden district executive committee member)

Cem Bilgic (IG Metall)

Christoph Mürdter (ver.di)

Maria Clara Roque (EVG, railway workers' union)

Alexander Ludsteck (ver.di)

Alexander Kalabekow (ver.di)

Tatjana Pinetzki (ver.di)


Antonis Kuriakopoulos (Public Electricity Company trade union)

Panagiotis Kolovos (member of lawyers professional association)

Orestis Doulos: member of Technicians union

Joseph Spartalis: member of Technicians union


Shirley Florencia de la Campa, Secretaría General del SUTIEMS

Rosa Hoy Garduño, Secretaria de Actas y Acuerdos del SUTIEMS

Rutilio Mendoza López, Consejo General de Representantes del SUTIEMS

David Rodrigo García Colín Carrillo. Miembro del SUTIEMS

José Ricardo Sánchez Pineda, Miembro del SUTIEMS

Laura Aldana, regidora por Morena del municipio de Naucalpan, Estado de México

Adrián Álvarado Pérez, Secretario General de la D-III-75, integrante del Bloque de Delegaciones Democráticas de la Seccion 11, SNTE-CNTE

Guillermo Flores, miembro de la sección 10 del SNTE-CNTE

Guillermo Rosas, miembro del SITUAM

S. Evert Beltrán González, Escuela Preparatoria Oficial #288

Sarantos Alexandris – retired – ex leadership member of Public Electricity Company

Thanasis Kabagiannis - leadership member of Lawyers Professional Association


Nadia García Camacho, delegada sindical del Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores (SAT) en la fábrica cárnica Procavi en Marchena (Sevilla)

Juan José Vela Narváez, delegado sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) en el Hotel “Arte de Cozina” en Antequera (Málaga)

Carmen Máximo Torres, delegada sindical de la Federación de Trabajadores de la Educación FETE-UGT en Málaga


Gwenolé Scuiller - union secretary - Unia Vaud

Tamara Knezevic - stagiaire - Unia Vaud

Jimena Villar de Onis - union secretary - Unia Vaud

Nicolas Mercier, union secretary, Unia Vaud


Martin Gutlederer, Staff representative in the Hospital Wilhelminenspital (Vienna, Austria),

Member of the council of staff representatives of the Vienna Association of Hospitals

Sarah Ott, Shop Steward in LOK (Living without Hospitals)

Ulrike Rathmanner, alternative shop steward in Caritas of the Archdiocese Vienna

(Department Help in Need)


Claudia Velasquez: Union representative and board member of a section of Vision (Civil servants union); President of Vänsterpartiet Helsingborg

Simon Kappelmark: President of Fastighetsanställdas förbund (Maintenance workers union) at Bostadsbolaget in Gothenburg

John Lyshag: Health and safety representative and shop steward for Kommunalarbetareförbundet (Municipal workers union) in Gothenburg


Pixie Flodhammar, IMT, Sweden

John Lyshag, Shop steward, Municipal workers union, Sweden

Patrik Berg, Swedish Food Workers' Union, Sweden

Martin Swayne, Airline pilot, British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA), United Kingdom

Vic Dale, Member, Unison, United Kingdom

Jack Wood, United States

Joe Daly, School Steward & Election Candidate, ASTI & People Before Profit, Ireland

Luka, China

Kim Ljungcrantz, The Swedish section of the IMT, Sweden

Jose Luis Campos, United States of America

Jack Wilson, President of Leeds university Marxist Society, United Kingdom

Stefan Kangas, Revolution, Sweden

Suzanne Harkhoe, Technologist & Visual Artist, The Netherlands

Daniel Cooper, Unite Community/Labour Party, United Kingdom

Diego Garzon, Organizer, FNV, The Netherlands

Michael Hogan, Unison, United Kingdom

John Schraufnagel, Socialist Revolution, United States

Lou Bågmark, Nursing assistant, Kommunal, Swedish Municipal Workers' Union , Sweden

Niki Brodin Larsson, Sweden

Martin Halder, Socialist Youth, Austria

Ziani Noureddine, Member, Trade union: CDT, Morocco

Zain, Lal Salaam (IMT Pakistan), Pakistan

Basit Khan, Branch secretary, Lal salam (IMT pakistan), Pakistan

Phil Baker, Germany

Ojango Omondi McApondi, Communist Party of Kenya , Kenya

Mirko Honcović, Marxistická Alternativa (IMT), Czech republic

Osvaldo Camilo, United States

Mark Kromodimoeljo, Australia

Mark Rahman, Communication Workers of America / TNG 37002, United States

Paul Piquet, TMI, France

Sam, Australia

Arthur Maglin, United States

Anna Quiroga, IMT, Sweden

Steve Brown, Member, UNISON, United Kingdom

Khalid Shorash, (IMT), Pakistan

Chathura Gunathilaka, Member of the UK committee, Frontline Socialist Party (Sri Lanka), United Kingdom

Dejan, Executive committee, Marxist organisation Reds (IMT), Bosnia and Herzegovina

Darrall Cozens, Vice President, Coventry TUC., Labour Party, Unite the Union and UCU, United Kingdom

Chris Mackinder, National Education Union, United Kingdom

William Smith, Chair, Unite, United Kingdom

Peter Casey, Unite, United Kingdom

Frances Crane, Unite, United Kingdom

Barry Purdy, United kingdom

Suzanne Gannon, National Education Union, United Kingdom

Nicolás, Lucha de Clases, Spain

Pubudu Jayagoda, Education secretary , Front Line Socialist Party , Sri Lanka

Sandra Smith, Unite/IWW, United Kingdom


Steve McKenzie, Union delegate to Erith and Thamesmead constituency Labour Party , Unite and the Labour party , United Kingdom

Tarek Harhour, fnofcl-umt, Morocco

Omar SidAhmad, Post graduate student, Sudanese communist party, Sudan

Ilyes, Membre syndical secteur electricite et du gaz, activiste soclialiste scientifique, Tunisia

Steven de Backer, Abvv , Belgium

Stefan Čizmar, Yugoslav section of the IMT , Serbia

Haydn Curran, NEU, United Kingdom

Eleanor Davis, United Kingdom

Jon-Paul Rosser, Branch secretary, PCS, United Kingdom

Vanderbeke, MILITANT acod overheids diensten W.vl. / lid Spa, Belgium

Kyle Michiels, Spokesman Collectif des Coursiers/Koerierscollectief, Collectif des Coursiers/Koerierscollectief and ABVV-BTB, Belgium

Yassin, TMI, France

Hubert Prévaud, CGT / France insoumise / TMI, France

Anastadiadis Ilias, Greece

Quentin Fournier, France

Maurício Ianês, Esquerda Marxista/ IMT, Brazil

Silvio Cardoso, Brasil

Luzia Machado de Melo, Brasil

Sandy Stark, United States

Poncet, France

Brikci, Shop Steward , CGSP ALR Bruxelles, Belgique

Pascale Mothes, Aucun, Aucun, France


Jeanmougin Christine, France

Mimoun, Parti de gauche, France

Moraga, Psl, Belgium

Chapelain, France

Giorgia, Italy

Malenfant, France

Domine, Syndicat, F.o , France

Marina Kontara, Belgium

Djegham, Belgium

Salvatore Conte, Switzerland

Xavier Dupret, FJJ, Belgium

PIERRE GINON, CGT Educ'action, France

Dartevelle Matthis, International Marxist Tendency , Belgium

Callova, Gregory

Sofia Linospori, Greece

Wim Benda, Union representative, member Acod Onderwijs Antwerp committee, Acod Onderwijs (socialist education labour union), Belgium

Mavic, France

Anne Yayer, Le Parti des Travailleurs , France

Tassëel olivier, France

Sylvie HA Cosseau., LFI, France

HEBRANT, Délégué syndical , Belgique

patricia liberati, AAAA, France

Orlane Iooss, France

Fracchiolla, France

carrasco, belgique

Pietro Tosi, Animateur syndical, MOC / CSC, Belgique



Adeeb Kapoot, Member, Awami Action Tahreek G۔B, Pakistan

Ioannis Apostolos Sklias, Political Researcher, SYRIZA, Greece

Levi Guillaume, Belgium

Artemis, Greece

Lechat jerome, Npa, France


Pablo Sanchez, Press officer., SETCA (FGTB), Belgium

Durand olivier, France

Stephen Bouquin, FERC CGT, France

Marie France Deprez, PC ( Belgique), Belgique

Paola Peebles Vlahovic, Belgium

Gabriel Vergne, Tendance Marxiste Internationale, France

Martin, LFI, France

Capdevielle Ophélie, IMT, France

Isabel Diaz, 1965, France

Nenedakis George, Greece

Lermusiaux, Pensionnée, Belgique

Jp.Letonnelier, CGT, France

Bossaert, retraité, insoumi, france

Sadiq, United Kingdom

David Baele, Ranch secretary textiles industry, ABVV - Algemene Centrale, Belgium

mohammad mousa manasra, Marxist, palestine

CHAIZE Didier, IT/Specialist Unix, CGT, France

Geraci, Fgtb, Belgium

Maxime Nys, ACOD/CGSP, Belgium

Erik Demeester, FGTB-ABVV, Belgium

Gonnet, Lutte Ouvrière, France

Ponteville Aubry, Revolution , Belgique

Jodar, Retraite , Pcf, France

Stévenart Jeanne, cgsp/ptb, belgique

Lacam brouard Agnès, CGT LFI, France

Bongo, Vonk, Belgique

bouhlel mohamed faycal, tunisie

Elif Buruk, IMT, austria

André Gonsalis, Acod, België

M-meer Saada‎‏, Media office manager, The Revolutionary Front in the Middle East, syria

David Tieu, IBEW Local 3, United States

Nicolas Cueto, IMT, Belgique

Nick Spook, IMT, the Netherlands

Hervé Garnero, Révolution, France

Loriguet Martine, France

Adam Laynet, CGT, France

Massimiliano Cangelosi, Anarchie, Anarchiste, Italia

Michel Therrien, Canada

Pavel Bláha, none, none, Czech Republic

Bourhidane JAlil, Secretary retail, CNE - CSC, Belgique

Liu Jie Hao, A cook, Czech Republic

PÊTRE Irène, permanente nationale retraitée , CNE/CSC, Belgique

Imbert, France

Philippe Jorrand, Retired, France

khoudja, France

TREGOUET Brieuc, UPR / Gilets Jaunes, FRANCE

Art Francisco, Carpenter, Carpenters local 30, United States

Ben Seattle, None, None, United States

Katia Ponomareff, France

Prauf, France

Le Pors, Aide soignante, France

Oldřich Bártek, Czech Republic

Kamel Sekkat, Belgique

Barbara Maurel, Commerçante résistons , Libre et respectueuse , France

Nasri Med, Membre de la comite centrale, P.A.D.S, partie de l,avant garde democrate socialiste maroc, Maroc

Derek Shultz, Branch Secretary, Socialist Fightback, Canada

Dusseaux, CGT, France

Simon Kappelmark, Local chairman (150 members) , Fastighetsanställdas Förbund , Sweden

Vanhaelen, ARS, CSC-CNE, Belgique

Deront, CNE, Belgium

Alex Haegeman, Student, International Marxist Tendency - Vonk, Belgium

Jessica Tamsma, Belgique


Camille, Belgium

Jussi Thorén, IMT, Sweden

Ramon Sepin, board member youth, UNIA, Juso, Switzerland

Beat Schenk, Regionalvorstand, Unia, Switzerland

Lars Kohlfürst, chairman Juso , Unia (Trade union), Juso (Party), der Funke, Switzerland

Fabian Binzegger, board, JUSO, Switzerland

Djegham, CNE, belgium

Marcel Burmeister, Union secretary (electricians), Unia, Switzerland

Alexander Zeller, Treasurer, IWW, Switzerland

Welington Laufer, Direção executiva municipal, Partido socialismo e Liberdade , Brasil

Janik Ruch, Unia , Switzerland

Auer lukas, Unia / VPOD, Switzerland

Anna Wrammerfors, International Marxist Tendency, Swedish section, Sweden

Stefan Brot, apprentice, JUSO and UNIA, Switzerland

Joël Reichelt, UNIA, Switzerland

Jaroslav Hassman, member, Marxistická alternativa - Czech section of IMT, Czech Republic

Camurato Carfagno, Belgique

Gillard Magali, JOC , Belgium

Alex El Gharred, Czechia

Plumhans, Belgique

Mario Bucci, CNE, Belgium

Lionel Roche, Switzerland

Nicolas Mercier, Union secretary , Syndicat Unia, Switzerland

Camila Aros, Secrétaire syndicale , Syndicat Unia, Switzerland


Julio DOCAMPO, 04/11/1963, France

Ronnie Ramirez, Belgique

Aeiko Heynderickx, VONK/BBTK, België

Paula Chaves, Switzerland

Cantone Camille, Paralegal , Young socialist, Switzerland

Soran Ghareb, Canada

naima bouchatta, Maroc

David Achermann, Switzerland

Tamara Knezevic, Unia / solidariteS , Switzerland

Aude Spang, Women and Youth secretary, Unia, solidaritéS, feminist strike collective, Switzerland

Ounifi, Fo cheminots , France


Nicole, Adjoint Administratif , Spirit, France

christelle giannitrapani, France

De Lelys Fabienne, Pensionnée , FGTB, Belgium

Iris Degen, Unia, Switzerland

Marlene Granger, France

Olivier Le Blanc, Comrade, IMT, Canada

Leonard Jano, Vonk-Revolution IMT Section of Belgium, Belgium

Francis Gout, France

Charles Royer, IMT, France

Salomé Voirol, UNIA and VPOD, Switzerland

Bryan Chirinos, Unia trade union and IMT section in Switzerland, Svizzera - Switzerland

Αλεξανδρής Σαράντος, Συνταξιούχος ΔΕΗ , Ελλάδα

Florian Degen, VPOD, Switzerland

Dani Donoso, Operador, Abajo, España

Clément Borgeaud, Vice-secretary, Unia/JS Suisse/PS Suisse, Switzerland

Nicolas Baroin, Révolution, french section of the IMT, France

Loué, Technical management, France

Josh Zimmerman, USA

Salem Gogura, None, None, Nigeria

Tony Kofoet, GEW (Teachers' Union), Germany

Kit Stiefel, ISA, United States of America

Douglas Holmes, Labour party, United Kingdom

Adil Aziz, Youth organiser Karachi, IMT, Pakistan

Moses Levi, Youth Delegate, Cambridge Labour Party, UK

Sami Ghidini, Labour Party/Momentum, United Kingdom

Gianamar Giovannetti-Singh, University and College Union, United Kingdom

Silvan Degen, VPOD member and IMT activist, Switzerland

Akram Nadir, International Representative of FWCUI, Fedration of Workers councils and unions in Iraq (FWCUI , Iraq

Ναι υπογράφω, Ναι υπογράφω, Ναι υπογράφω

Juan José Ramírez, Spain

KUNLE OLADEJO, DIRECTOR GENERAL, International Centre for Grassroots Research and Development Initiative(InterCEGRADI), Nigeria

Dany Lindenbacher, Unia, Switzerland

Ronaldi, militante, Esquerda marxista, BRASIL

Bolaji Ayoola David, Member, Marxist organisation , Nigeria

Robert Conrad Hohnstein, Rank & File, International Marxist Tendency, Canada

Hüseyin Akyüz, Turkey

Lavergne, Belgium

Rashid Khalid, Red Workers Front , Kashmir

James Field, Italy

Henrique Marim, None, None, Brazil

Franck MONASSE, PCF, France

Vanderbeke, MILITANT, miltant ACOD Overheid diensten W.VL., belgium

رياضي نورالدين, كاتب جهوي للنهج الديمقراطي بجهة البيضاء, حزب النهج الديمقراطي, المغرب

Emily Margossian, Safety representative, Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers, Sweden

Sahak Margossian, Member, Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers, Sweden

Terry McPartlan, Communications Officer, UNISON, UK

Jonathan Fortich, IMTWo, Colombia

Samuel Swartz, self employed and retired 1199SEIU delegate IMT member, United States

Ana L. Quijano, L'étincelle - Der Funke CH, Switzerland

Matthew Cotton, United States

Aagman Leuva, State Organising Committee Member, Students' Federation of India, India

Phoebe Watson, United Kingdom

Aaron Watkins, United States

Jonathon Dupuie, Branch Treasurer, The International Marxist Tendency, United States of America

Dawn Clark, Canada

benjamin roobol, Revolution, Sweden

Jenny Boström, IMT, Sweden

Iván Soto de la Vega, Militante, La Izquierda Socialista, Mexico

Elliott Spring, Socialist Revolution(IMT), USA

Amaia Marcano Larrinaga, France

NICOLAS OUNG, Labour Party, United Kingdom

Simone Doing, IMT, USA

Ulysse Goël, L'étincelle , Switzerland

Sandra Chachulska, United Kingdom

Stéphane Holzmann, IMT, Switzerland

Olivia Eschmann, Unia / IMT (der Funke), Switzerland

Florian Eschmann, Switzerland

Sebastian Thrul, Switzerland

Christophe Couderc, 1970, France

Anthea Nauer, IMT, Switzerland

Abhinav Madhavarapu, Der Funke, Switzerland

Antonella Rosa Camurato Carfagno, PTB, Belgium

Andrew Feist, Branch Secretary, Imt, Usa

Jan Valenta, Switzerland

beck, france

Fabio D'Addario, VPOD, Switzerland

Sina, Switzerland

Ponzio, None, France

Gregorio Carboni Maestri, CGSP, Belgium

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