
Image: Revolutionäre Kommunistische Partei

The Würzburg public prosecutor has dropped the charges against our comrade Adrian. They no longer consider the exclamation “Yallah Intifada, Intifada until victory!”, which was contained in his speech at a pro-Palestine demonstration, to be a criminal offense. This is a great success for the entire Palestine movement!

Friedrich Merz, leader of the right-wing Christian Democrats (CDU), will be Germany’s next Chancellor. On election night, he declared that a government should be in place by Easter, claiming that his mission is to unite Europe and that everything depends on leadership from Germany. Merz wants to be the ‘European Chancellor’ who will stand up to the USA, Russia and China and, as Der Spiegel has demanded, make the EU into a ‘great power’.

Last Wednesday, the right-wing CDU led by Friedrich Merz tore down the symbolic ‘firewall’ that was supposed to prevent establishment parties in Germany from cooperating with the reactionary Alternative for Germany (AfD). The CDU proposed a racist asylum bill in the Bundestag, fully aware that it would receive a majority if the AfD voted in favour. This was the first time that the AfD has been able to influence a significant political decision in the parliament. Together with the votes of the liberal FDP, the bill was passed.

Defined by political crises all over the world, spiralling tensions between the imperialist powers, and revolutions in Bangladesh and Kenya, 2024 was an historic year in the crisis of the capitalist system. But now, with Trump days away from power, Ukraine headed unavoidably towards a humiliating and bloody defeat, and with no end in sight to the complete destabilisation of the Middle East, this new year looks to be even more explosive.

For three years, Germany’s ruling ‘traffic light’ coalition of Greens, Social Democrats (SPD) and Liberals (FDP) was under repair. Now it has finally been taken off the grid: the costs are too high, and the benefits are non-existent. The capitalist class threw it in the electoral recycling bin. Soon we will have to welcome a new selection of well-known crooks into office. The spectacle of so-called democracy continues uninterrupted, though it is hardly flawless and certainly not convincing.

A growing layer of people, especially among the youth, are looking for radical answers to the crises that plague our lives. The founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP) in Germany is living proof of this. From 30 November to 1 December, 260 comrades and visitors from across Germany met to launch the RKP and discuss its perspectives and tasks. 

The German government has fallen. The dispute over the draft budget for 2025 was the coup de grâce. For months, the ruling coalition of social democrats (SPD), Greens and liberals (FDP) struggled to find a solution to the economic crisis, as Germany faces its second consecutive year of recession. Despite this, the government was unable to unite and decide on an approach. Those in power are divided over the question of whether the time is right for a general attack on the working class and the poor.

Closely following our special episode with Alan Woods covering Trump’s victory in the US election, Against the Stream went live again this week for another discussion. This time, Hamid Alizadeh and Fred Weston from the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International met to talk about the devastating floods in Spain and the resulting rage of the masses against the ruling class, the abrupt collapse of the German government, and more on the implications of Trump’s victory.

German industry has been in crisis since 2018. Since then, the policies pursued during the pandemic, the energy crisis brought about by western governments’ support for the Ukraine war, and global trade wars have turned this crisis into a rapid decline of German capitalism.

For almost a year, millions around the world have taken to the streets in order to fight against the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The imperialists and warmongers have been fighting against this mobilisation from the very first minute. In Europe and the USA, demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine have been prohibited, activists have been persecuted by police or suspended from their jobs, pro-Palestinian speakers have been banned from stating their opinion publicly, and the movement has been deprived from using necessary meeting rooms. Our comrades are also affected by this repression.

In the summer of 1923, Germany found itself in the grip of an intense revolutionary ferment. But this historic opportunity for the working class to seize power was squandered, with devastating implications, not only for Germany, but for the course of the world socialist revolution. In this article, marking the hundredth anniversary of the dramatic failure of the German Revolution in October 1923, Tatjana Pinetzki explains how this situation emerged, the mistakes of the leadership, and the impact of these events on world history.

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of Germany this week to demonstrate against the reactionary Alternative for Germany (AfD). This was provoked by a recent revelation by the liberal media outlet CORRECTIV, that AfD politicians, right-wing extremists and leading businessmen had met in secret in a hotel near Potsdam to discuss the mass deportation of migrants from Germany.

Once hailed as Europe’s bulwark of stability, Germany is entering a period of deep turmoil. The era of economic growth and class peace is at an end. Now, Germany is experiencing an intense crisis, as all the pillars of its former ‘success model’ are crumbling, causing profound divisions in the ruling class and a ferment among the masses.

In stormy times, correct orientation is necessary. This is exactly the function that the annual national congress of Der Funke, the German section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), serves for the local groups of the IMT all over Germany. More than 100 comrades took part in the highest body of the German section of the IMT in Berlin from 24 to 26 March. The focus was on two documents that were discussed and adopted: “German Perspectives”, our analysis of the forthcoming convulsions and class struggles in Germany; and “Building the Organisation”, i.e. the concrete tasks arising from the perspectives for our tendency.