More international solidarity for Rawal Asad! The solidarity campaign for Rawal Asad (who has been held in custody since February on the scandalous charge of sedition after attending a peaceful protest in Multan, Pakistan) shows no sign of slowing down. On 4 March, comrades and supporters of the International Marxist Tendency coordinated a day of pressure against the Pakistani state by picketing, protesting and telephoning Pakistan's embassies all over the world, so the regime knows the world is watching, and we will not stop until our comrade is released.
France: for a workers' government! The power of the yellow vests movement never ceases to surprise – and intimidate – its adversaries. Of course, the bourgeois and their lackeys (in politics and the media) know that poverty exists. They hear about it, distantly, but they are totally disconnected from the real living conditions of the people, their suffering and their problems. Then, from their lofty position of privilege, with all their power and their fortune, they said to themselves: “a little more or a little less austerity, what difference will that make?” The answer hit them like a ton of bricks.
France: Macron on the brink – prepare a general strike! The movement of the yellow vests is a social earthquake of exceptional power. It represents a major turning point in the class struggle in France – and is a source of inspiration for workers around the world. It will have a profound and lasting impact on the political life of the country.
[Video] France: Macron stripped of his liberal halo Alan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism, discusses the magnificent gilets jaunes movement in France, which has exploded out of nowhere to land a blow against the ruling class. Ever since his election as president of France in May 2017, Emmanuel Macron has been held up as a poster boy for liberalism by the European establishment. But the massive and militant yellow vests movement has shattered this delusion, demonstrating that there is a profound anger amongst workers and youth towards the broken status quo of inequality and austerity that the 'Jupiterian' president and the gilded elite defend.
法国:五星期过后,黄背心运动有在退潮吗? 黄背心抗议民众于12月15日在法国的街道上发动了第五次周末示威行动,被称为运动的“第五幕”。这是继马克宏于12月10日公布“退让”之后所发动的示威。而过去一周我们也看到了多起学生动员,以及法国全国总工会(CGT,以下简称全总)所发动的“全国行动日”。爆发了五周之后,黄背心这个运动达到了什么阶段,它的前景是什么?
法國:五星期過後,黃背心運動有在退潮嗎? 黃背心抗議民眾於12月15日在法國的街道上發動了第五次週末示威行動,被稱為運動的“第五幕”。這是繼馬克宏於12月10日公佈“退讓”之後所發動的示威。而過去一週我們也看到了多起學生動員,以及法國全國總工會(CGT,以下簡稱全總)所發動的“全國行動日”。爆發了五週之後,黃背心這個運動達到了什麼階段,它的前景是什麼?
France: after five weeks of protests, whither the yellow vests? For the fifth consecutive Saturday, the yellow vest protesters took to the streets of France on 15 December in what was dubbed ‘Act V’ of the movement. This was after Macron’s announcements of “concessions” on 10 December; and in a week that saw a mobilisation of students and a national day of action, called by the CGT trade union. After five weeks, what stage has the movement reached, and what are its perspectives?
France: presidential smoke and mirrors On Monday evening, Macron gave a televised speech in an attempt to placate the yellow vest movement that now threatens his government. The following day, its contents were scrutinised and debated among all who have mobilised in recent weeks. The verdict: "smoke and mirrors". In particular, "the increase of the minimum wage by 100 euros" includes the automatic revaluation of the minimum wage scheduled for January 2019, in addition to an increase in the "activity premium" supplement, which will not cost employers one cent – and will not be taken into account when calculating pension entitlements.
法国黄背心运动进入第四幕—将抗争带向革命吧! 上周末(12月8日),法国的黄背心运动以另一轮大规模抗议行动进入了第四幕。虽然官方报道参与抗议的人数为十三万左右,但实际人数可能达到五十万人。这一次,政府方面的反应却也更加的残暴,在法国各地动员了八万九千名员警来试图阻止黄背心参与者发起和平或其他性质的抗议,导致了两千馀人遭到逮捕。
法國黃背心運動進入第四幕—將抗爭帶向革命吧! 上週末(12月8日),法國的黃背心運動以另一輪大規模抗議行動進入了第四幕。雖然官方報道參與抗議的人數為十三萬左右,但實際人數可能達到五十萬人。這一次,政府方面的反應卻也更加的殘暴,在法國各地動員了八萬九千名員警來試圖阻止黃背心參與者發起和平或其他性質的抗議,導致了兩千餘人遭到逮捕。
France: the yellow vests, Act IV – turn the movement into a revolution! The yellow vest movement entered its “fourth act” this weekend, with another round of radical protests by well over the officially cited 130,000 people (possibly as many as 500,000). This time, the state response was even more brutal, with 89,000 gendarmes mobilised across France in an attempt to prevent the yellow vests from demonstrating – peacefully or otherwise – resulting in over 2,000 arrests.
France: striking students of Nanterre declare solidarity with yellow vests! Following the motion (submitted by our comrades) that passed with strong majorities at student assemblies at l'université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier and Toulouse, another extremely radical resolution has been adopted by the Paris Nanterre University. It declares the university on strike, lays out a series of demands against Macron's educational counter-reforms, states its solidarity with the yellow vests, condemns police repression, calls for Macron's resignation and puts the word out for a delegate conference of representatives from Paris universities to...
France: at the threshold of a revolutionary crisis The social and political situation in France is moving at a breakneck speed. In less than a month, the ‘yellow vests’ movement has put the country on the threshold of a revolutionary crisis. In the coming days, this threshold could be crossed. What will be the decisive factor in pushing the movement forward?
法国:“黄背心”运动、列宁与全国总工会的“领导” (以下译文为“女神读书会翻译组”原译由国际马克思主义趋势组织法国支部网站Révolution於2018年11月20日所发表的文章,经“保卫马克思主义”网站中文版编辑稍加修改後发表)译者:(女神读书会翻译组)夏尔梨
法國:“黃背心”運動、列寧與全國總工會的“領導” (以下譯文為“女神讀書會翻譯組”原譯由國際馬克思主義趨勢組織法國支部網站Révolution於2018年11月20日所發表的文章,經“保衛馬克思主義”網站中文版編輯稍加修改後發表)譯者:(女神讀書會翻譯組)夏爾梨