France: great success at the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party Image: PCR Share TweetOn 30 November and 1 December, over 160 activists took part in the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR), held in Ivry-sur-Seine. Comrades came from the Paris region, Toulouse, Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier, Grenoble, Reims, Gap, Lyon, Rennes, Morlaix, Brest, Nantes, Lille, Bourges, Dax, Cherbourg and Val d'Ajol.[Originally published in French at]A delegation from the Swiss section of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) was present and took part in our discussions. The international leadership of the RCI – of which the PCR is the French section – was represented by Fred Weston, a member of the International Secretariat.The decision to found a Revolutionary Communist Party was taken at a National Conference last May. This Conference convened the Founding Congress, which has just been held and which adopted three documents: Perspectives and Tasks of the PCR, the Programme of the PCR and the Internal Rules of the Party.The Congress began on Saturday morning with a discussion on the world situation. In his introductory speech, Fred Weston highlighted the enormous instability in international relations at all levels: economic, diplomatic and military. The wars in the Middle East and Ukraine are two appalling examples, but the instability is ubiquitous. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire (@pcr.revolution)Fred emphasised the consequences of the relative decline of American imperialism. Its traditional allies – such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, for example – no longer systematically align themselves with US positions. The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, under the leadership of China, was a striking illustration of this. Generally speaking, the organic crisis of capitalism is fanning the flames of rivalry between imperialist powers, multiplying sources of tension and military conflicts, accentuating protectionist tendencies – and paving the way for explosive class struggles in every country.Saturday afternoon was devoted to a discussion on ‘French Perspectives’. In his introductory speech, Jérôme Métellus linked the current crisis of the regime to the general decline of French capitalism over many years. For example, on the eve of our Congress, Chad and Senegal were added to the long list of African countries that have severed their military relations with France – to the benefit of other imperialist powers, including Russia and China.French capitalism is sinking into an economic and political abyss from which the bourgeoisie can only try to escape by brutally attacking the living and working conditions of the masses. This will lead to an intensification of the class struggle and, sooner or later, to a social explosion that the union leaders will no longer be able to control and channel. The PCR will intervene energetically in these struggles and defend its communist programme.Saturday ended with an internal fundraising event. At our National Conference last May, we raised over €60,000 euros. Given this exceptional, recent effort, we had set a more modest target for the founding congress: €20,000. But the enthusiasm and determination of our comrades enabled us to exceed that target and raise €26,000. We're calling on all our supporters to take part in this fundraising drive and make an online donation: it's not too late! This money will provide the funds that are essential for our development. This includes paying for the rental of a national PCR headquarters that is larger than our current premises, which we will move to in January 2025. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire (@pcr.revolution)Sunday morning was devoted to discussing the tactics and organisational tasks of the PCR in the coming period. Since the start of the academic year in September 2023, our organisation has undergone a phase of very rapid growth, with membership increasing by more than 70 percent. We have gone from 13 to 23 local branches. Other branches are currently being formed. This kind of growth requires us to pay particular attention to the theoretical and political education of our comrades. We are building an organisation of revolutionary cadres – activists who know how to analyse a political situation, intervene effectively and clearly explain our Marxist ideas and programme. This question was at the heart of the discussion on the PCR’s immediate tasks. At the congress itself, comrades bought over €2,000-worth of Marxist books and pamphlets.Sunday afternoon was devoted to our finances, the internal functioning of the Party, and the election of the Central Committee, which will be responsible for implementing the decisions of the congress. The PCR is neither a debating club nor a federation of local branches. Our internal decision-making process is based on the principles of ‘democratic centralism’, which combine the greatest possible freedom of discussion with strict discipline in implementing majority decisions. In other words, we are building a Bolshevik organisation.The whole founding Congress of the PCR was a great success. The future will show that it was a historic event, a decisive step in building the powerful revolutionary party that the French working class needs to seize power and reorganise society on socialist lines.A number of supporters who attended the Congress have decided to join us immediately. We call on all our supporters to do the same. Join the PCR! Take part in building a powerful Revolutionary Communist International! There is no more urgent task in the struggle to end capitalist barbarism.