Report On The Economic Condition Of Petrograd Workers And The Tasks Of The Working Class "The illusion that only the bourgeoisie could run the state must be fought against. The proletariat must take the rule of the state upon itself."
Manifesto To The Ukrainian People "We, the Council of People’s Commissars, recognise at once, unconditionally and without reservations everything that pertains to the Ukrainian people’s national rights and national independence."
Speech Delivered At The Second All-Russia Congress Of Soviets Of Peasants’ Deputies "We therefore declare that the party of the Cadets is a party of the bourgeoisie, that they are enemies of the people, and that we shall fight them."
For Bread And Peace "The socialist revolution that has begun in Russia is, therefore, only the beginning of the world socialist revolution."
The Conversion of Munition Works to Economically Useful Work Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars, writtenDecember 12 (November29), 1917.
Liability for Unfounded Accusations Draft Resolution for the C.C., R.S.D.L.P.(B.), following an anonymous accusation concerning Y. S. Hanecki.
Draft Resolution On The Provisional Bureau Of The Bolshevik Group In The Constituent Assembly "The members of the Provisional Bureau hold views that are absolutely un-Social-Democratic..."
Theses On The Constituent Assembly "The October Revolution is passing through successive stages of development before our very eyes, winning power for the Soviets and wresting political rule from the bourgeoisie and transferring it to the proletariat and poor peasantry."
The Question of Following a Socialist Policy in the Economic Field Draft Decision for the C.P.C. onThe Question of Following a Socialist Policy in the Economic Field, written on November 27 (December 10), 1917.
Material On The Agrarian Question (Foreword) "This article explained that it was necessary for the workers "to change the basic line pursued by the worker in addressing the peasant"."
On Fighting Counter-Revolutionaries and Saboteurs "The bourgeoisie, the landowners and all the rich classes are making desperate efforts to undermine the revolution...They have even gone so far as to sabotage food distribution, thereby menacing millions of people with famine."
Draft Of A Manifesto To The Peasantry "The fateful hour is approaching. The last fight is at hand. The whole country and all the nations of our republic are divided into two great camps."