A short balance sheet of Brian Baker’s article on climate change Comrade Druedahl points out that Baker turns the argument completely around and wants to prove the non-existence of climate change from the philosophy of dialectics, something which cannot be done.
Climate Change – A Real Socialist Perspective In contributing to the debate, Mike Palecek states that, "The idea that we could rule out solar activity as a factor in the climate of this planet is absurd, but this is the false dichotomy that is presented by global warming deniers. They misrepresent the consensus position among climatologists by reducing their understanding of contributing factors to CO2 and CO2 alone.
Emil Reed replies to Brian J. Baker on climate change Emil Reed has written a reply to Brian J. Baker, which addresses some of the scientific issues raised. He claims that Brain J. Baker has given "an extremely misleading picture of the state of knowledge about climate change." And that "instead of making a positive contribution to the understanding of climate change Brain J. Baker repeats tired old arguments."