Denmark: the Revolutionary Communist Party has arrived!

Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

Hundreds of communists from all over Denmark gathered over the weekend for the founding festival of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Join the fight for revolution; organise yourself in the RKP!

[Originally published in Danish at]

Capitalism can offer humanity nothing but war, climate disasters and misery. As a result, thousands of workers and youth have concluded that we need a revolution.

That's why we founded the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP) on the weekend of 4-6 October at Østerbro in Copenhagen. At the founding festival, we gathered around 300 communists from all over the country: from Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Holbæk, Næstved, Vejen, Aabenraa, Ribe and many other places.

comrades Image RKPThe RKP is already planting red flags across the country / Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

The RKP is already planting red flags across the country, but we have ambitions to be present in every school, in every neighbourhood and in every workplace, so get in touch with us wherever you live and help build the party that is crucial to the victory of the future revolution.

A radically different party

For decades, successive governments have implemented one cut after another. While the rich and the corporations get tax breaks, our healthcare, daycare and education are falling apart. Regardless of whether the government is ‘red’ or blue, their policy is exactly the same: the capitalists’ ‘necessary policy’ of cuts and militarism.

books not bombs Image RKPThe capitalist system cannot create progress for the majority and drags the whole of society down with it / Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

The capitalist system cannot create progress for the majority and drags the whole of society down with it. It's clearer than ever that we need a party that is willing to take on the entire system and not just play the game inside Christiansborg [the Danish parliament building], where career politicians reward themselves handsomely while attacking the conditions of the vast majority.

As Rasmus Jeppesen from the RKP's leadership explained from the stage at the festival: “Right now there exist the resources necessary for all people to live a good life. But at the same time, we live in a sick capitalist system that drags more and more people into poverty and war. We refuse to stand on the sidelines and watch it happen.”

The RKP is radically different from the grey porridge that is served up by politicians and spin doctors in Parliament. What makes the RKP unique is that we are not building a party that wants to manage capitalism in a more 'humane' way; we want to tear the system up by its roots and introduce a socialist planned economy.

It may sound radical, but it's the only realistic solution to the modest aspirations of workers and young people for a decent life, with a roof over their heads, decent welfare benefits and a job that doesn't destroy them mentally or physically.

“He who has the youth has the future”

march Image RKPWith the intensifying crisis of capitalism, more and more people – especially young people – have become open to communist ideas / Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

For many years, we communists have been swimming against the tide. But with the intensifying crisis of capitalism, more and more people – especially young people – have become open to communist ideas. With an average age of around 20-25 at our founding festival, it's clear that a new communist generation is being created.

As Marie Frederiksen from the RKP's executive committee explained from the stage, “it's not us revolutionaries who have created the communist generation. It is the system itself that pushes people to draw communist conclusions and to fight for a decent life.”

In other words, the ruling class cannot stop the new communist generation from growing bigger and stronger. The historical forces driving a layer of youth towards revolutionary conclusions will accelerate and throw millions into a battle for the future of humanity.

voting Image RKPThere are already thousands of communists in schools and workplaces across the country ready to organise and fight / Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

We are organising a layer among this young generation that has realised that the world's problems cannot be solved within the narrow confines of the system. Instead, they must be broken through with class struggle and revolution. There are already thousands of communists in schools and workplaces across the country ready to organise and fight. At the festival, we unanimously adopted our new program, We are the Communist Generation, a political programme for the new generation of communists.

Revolutionary ideas

speaking Image RKPIn the RKP, we aren’t just organising the communist generation; we are educating it / Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

In the RKP, we aren’t just organising the communist generation; we are educating it so that, armed with the ideas of Marxism, we can intervene in the class struggle. Marxism is a tool to understand the world around us and a weapon to change it. It is the ideas developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, and it is the legacy on which the RKP is built.

At our founding festival, we held 15 talks on the most important political and theoretical topics such as: 'Did communism really fail?', 'How do we stop the climate crisis?', 'Women's struggle and communism', 'How communists fight war', and much more. In this way, the founding of the RKP was also a school in the revolutionary ideas that are necessary if we are to succeed in changing the world forever.

All 15 talks were recorded and will be published on our Revolutionary Communist Podcast and on our YouTube channel so that they can be used by future revolutionaries to educate themselves to intervene effectively in the coming struggles.

Books not bombs

MF Image RKPThe ruling class cannot stop the new communist generation from growing bigger and stronger / Image: Line Cecilie Eskerod

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx writes “the Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims”. At the founding festival, we took Marx at his word and marched through the streets of Copenhagen, shouting revolutionary slogans and waving red flags.

One of the slogans that echoed through the streets of Copenhagen was “Books not bombs!” The slogan bears the same name as the campaign we launched at the festival against the rise of war and militarism. While politicians cut our education, healthcare and welfare, they can still find billions to invest in bombs and destruction. War is built into capitalism, so if we want to live in peace and security, we must fight for communism.

The longer capitalism is allowed to live, the closer it will bring humanity to the abyss. Whole countries and regions are already engulfed in deadly imperialist wars. The war in Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza are just two examples, and a few days before our founding festival, Israel launched a bloody invasion of Lebanon with the backing of the West and the Danish government.

With the founding of the RKP, we have declared war on Danish capitalism and all its defenders. But if we are to win the class struggle, we need to be far more numerous. If, like us, you want to bury capitalism with all its brutality and misery, then join us in the fight.

We have no time to waste, and a world to win!

Join us

If you want more information about joining the RCI, fill in this form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.