
Following a period of rapid development, the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP) in Denmark held its first congress over the weekend of 21-23 March. While membership in traditional parties is dwindling, the RKP is approaching 300 active members fighting for a communist revolution.

Denmark is one of the only countries in the world that still has a colony, Greenland, which has suffered under the brutal oppression of Danish colonialism for over 300 years. Control of Greenland is the only thing that keeps Danish capitalism relevant on the international stage, and the Danish bourgeoisie is desperately trying to cling to it.

Hundreds of communists from all over Denmark gathered over the weekend for the founding festival of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Join the fight for revolution; organise yourself in the RKP!

In recent weeks, one event after another has threatened to plunge the world into a major war. This is true both in Ukraine and in the Middle East. We are told that the only aggressors are the enemies of the West. But who is actually pushing for further escalation?

Our Danish comrades are making a big splash with their plans to found a new Revolutionary Communist Party. After decades of relative dormancy for the class struggle, we can truly say that the communists have arrived in Denmark!The reaction by the bourgeois political and media establishment to this news has ranged from bemusement to open fury. As ever, we welcome the free publicity!

It was an event that was nothing short of historic: more than 100 comrades from 16 local branches of Revolutionære Socialister – the Danish section of the International Marxist Tendency – gathered from 15 to 17 March for the organisation’s annual congress. Following in-depth discussions about the deep crisis of capitalism and the growing appetite for communist ideas among the younger generations, the congress decided to found the Revolutionary Communist Party at a conference in October.

Over the weekend of 17-19 March, over 50 delegates met for the annual Congress of Revolutionære Socialister (RS), the Danish section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT). At the congresses and other democratic structures of the IMT, no time is wasted discussing details or secondary questions. For us, the focus is firmly on political questions. The purpose of all discussions is always to collectively raise the political level.

On 5 February, the Danish Trade Union Confederation, consisting of 79 unions, organised a 50,000-strong demonstration in front of the Danish parliament in protest against the government’s plan to remove a public holiday. The newly-formed government – which consists of an alliance between the Social Democratic Party and two bourgeois parties – have planned to carry out major attacks on the Danish working class.

Revolutionære Socialister, the Danish section of the IMT, recently held its annual ‘Revolution Festival’. With more than 110 attendees from across Denmark, the festival was an unequivocal success. Comrades and guests left the festival with a higher level of understanding of Marxism and revolutionary theory, as well as a renewed will and energy to fight for the overthrow of the capitalist system.

The racist policy of the Social Democrats is worse than any of the right-wing parties in parliament. It is the result of the party’s inability to deliver on any of its promises of bettering the lives of the majority of Danes. However, as the protests last Wednesday hinted at, the government should expect massive opposition from the streets to their reactionary politics.

The results of the recent Greenlandic election reflect a rejection of the ruthless exploitation of Greenland’s natural resources by multinational corporations. A big drop in turnout, however, also reveals an underlying radicalisation and dissatisfaction with the whole system, the political elite, and Danish colonialism.

This article was written before the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in lockdowns throughout the world, including Denmark. However, the points it raises about the co-option of the climate movement by the forces of the establishment remain unchanged – and are all the more relevant given the global health emergency posed by COVID-19.

The following is the perspectives document approved by the national congress of Revolutionære Socialister ("Revolutionary Socialists") in March 2019. It lays out the comrades’ analysis of the political situation in Denmark, and offers their predictions about where the class struggle in the country is heading.

On the weekend of 22-24 March, Revolutionary Socialists (RS) – the Danish section of the International Marxist Tendency – held their annual congress. It was held at a Scout hut in the countryside of Sealand. In the months leading up to the event, all of the comrades had focused heavily on ensuring the political, as well as the practical success of the congress. This work ensured that the 2019 congress was the best in the history of the organisation.