The most important left wing newspaper in El Salvador reproduces analysis of Venezuelan referendum by Alan Woods

The Salvadorean newspaper Diario CoLatino has dedicated its weekly supplement Perspectivas to balance-sheet of the defeat of the constitutional reform in Venezuela, publishing in two pages the article by Alan Woods. Diario CoLatino has a circulation of around 35,000 copies and is the most widely read newspaper amongst left wing activists in the country, in the FMLN, the trade union and the student and peoples' movement. A few weeks ago, Diario CoLatino also published the analysis of the Argentinean elections by the comrades of the Corriente Socialista El Militante, showing the impact of and interest for Marxist ideas in the country.

The Salvadorean newspaper Diario CoLatino has dedicated its weekly supplement Perspectivas to balance-sheet of the defeat of the constitutional reform in Venezuela, publishing in two pages the article by Alan Woods. Diario CoLatino has a circulation of around 35,000 copies and is the most widely read newspaper amongst left wing activists in the country, in the FMLN, the trade union and the student and peoples' movement. A few weeks ago, Diario CoLatino also published the analysis of the Argentinean elections by the comrades of the Corriente Socialista El Militante, showing the impact of and interest for Marxist ideas in the country.

Both articles can be seen online:


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