Introduction of Socialism or Exposure of Plunder of the State? It has been decided and laid down that socialism cannot be introduced in Russia. This was proved, in near-Marxist fashion, by Mr. Milyukov at a meeting of the June 3 diehards, following the ministerial Menshevik Rabochaya Gazeta.And it was subscribed to by the largest party in Russia in general and in the Congress of Soviets in particular, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, which, besides being the largest party, is also the party with the greatest ideological (disinterested) fear of seeing the revolution develop towards socialism.
A Bird in the Hand or Two in the Bush Minister Peshekhonov uttered many beautiful and high-sounding phrases in his speech. He said that "we must divide equitably all we have", that "the resistance of the capitalists has apparently been broken", and many more phrases of that kind.
The Great Withdrawal “The great withdrawal of the bourgeoisie from the government." This is what the main speaker of the Executive Committee, in a report he submitted last Sunday, called the formation of the coalition government and the entry of former socialists into the Ministry.
The Use of Sticking to the Point in Polemics Dear comrades writing for Novaya Zhizn, you resent our criticism, which you call angry. We shall try to be mild and kind.
The Enemies of the People Plekhanov’s Yedinstvo (which even the Socialist-Revolutionary Dyelo Naroda justly calls a newspaper at one with the liberal bourgeoisie) has recently recalled the law of the French Republic of 1793 relating to enemies of the people.
Is There a Way to a Just Peace? Is there a way to peace without an exchange of annexations, without the division of spoils among the capitalist robbers?There is: through a workers’ revolution against the capitalists of the world.
Note A note by Lenin in response to an attack in the Novoye Vremya paper. First published in Pravda No. 74 June 20 (7), 1917.
An Alliance to Stop the Revolution That the new coalition government is precisely this sort of alliance between the capitalists and the Narodnik and Menshevik leaders is far from obvious to all. Perhaps it is not obvious even to the Ministers belonging to these parties. Yet it is a fact.
The Diehards of June 3 Favour an Immediate Offensive The Diehards [1] of June 3 Favour an Immediate Offensive
Economic Dislocation and the Proletariat’s Struggle Against It Lenin on the tasks of factory committees in fighting against Economic dislocation.
The Thousand and First Lie of the Capitalists It is a lie to say that “the Robert Grimms and the Rakovskys" have “collaborated” with the Bolsheviks (with whom they have never agreed) in any way.
First All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies Lenin's Speeches at the first All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, June 16 to July 7 (June 3 to 24), 1917.
The Laugh Is On You! "The laugh is on you, gentlemen of the S.R. and Menshevik fold! You are laughing at your own policy of trust in the capitalists and the government of the capitalists!"
Bolshevism and “Demoralisation” of the Army "Bolsheviks are calling the proletariat, the poor peasants and all the toiling and exploited people to a conscious revolutionary struggle, and not to riots and disturbances."
Forward! Our paper is to be the organ of revolutionary socialism. Such a declaration would have been sufficient a short time ago. At present these words have lost value. For, both socialism and revolution are now professed by such elements, such classes, as, in their social nature, belong to the camp of the enemy whom we cannot conciliate.
It Is Undemocratic, Citizen Kerensky! "Dual power still exists. The only way out of the present situation is to have all power pass to the Soviets."
A Mote in the Eye "The Russian ministeriable Narodniks and Mensheviks are in a hopeless muddle; every passing day adds to their self-exposure."