Britain: Tories vote for repression – mobilise to defend the right to protest! Scared by the recent rise of militant protests, the Tory government has pushed through new powers to clampdown on demos. But activists will not be quashed so easily. The labour movement must mobilise to smash through these repressive laws.
Britain: #ReclaimTheseStreets – mass movement erupts to end violence against women In the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard, and the subsequent police suppression of a vigil in her memory, protestors have taken to the streets across Britain. We must mobilise to overthrow this entire oppressive, violent, and repressive system. Speakers from Socialist Appeal (British section of the IMT) will address these events at a free public rally today at 7PM GMT, register here.
Britain: Sarah Everard – killed by the system we’re told ‘protects’ us Over the past week, Britain has experienced an outpouring of anger and indignation after the body of 33-year-old Sarah Everard was discovered in Kent. She had been abducted and murdered while walking home from a friend's house in South London. An off-duty policeman has been arrested and charged with this heinous crime. On the weekend, a peaceful vigil in Clapham Common was brutally broken up by police, using COVID-19 restrictions as an excuse.
Britain: Labour right wing reject democracy – for a left conference to fight back! Showing their contempt for democracy, Labour’s right-wing dominated NEC has rejected members’ call for a recall conference. The left must organise a conference of its own – to draw up a battle plan and mobilise to remove this disastrous leadership.
Britain: monarchy in crisis – abolish this rotten and racist relic Harry and Meghan’s shocking revelations about the inner-workings of the Royal Family have detonated dynamite in the foundations of the Monarchy – a key pillar of the British establishment. It is time to topple this rotten institution.
Britain: Sunak’s budget – papering over the cracks before the deluge On March 3, Britain's Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a budget that kicked the can down the road. But what the Tories give with one hand for now, they will take away with the other tomorrow. Only clear socialist policies can offer a way out of this crisis.
Britain: recall conference campaign gathers pace – join the fight to defend democracy The Labour right wing’s clampdown on democracy continues apace. At the same time, the campaign for an immediate recall conference is gaining momentum. It is time to ‘rise like lions’. Reclaim democracy! Recall conference now! A national rally is planned for 6 March at 11am British time.
Britain: establishment rattled by fears of social explosion Coming on top of a decade of austerity and attacks, the pandemic is tearing communities apart and piling further pressures upon workers and youth. Society is ready to explode. We must channel this energy towards socialist struggle.
Britain: biggest-ever Marxist Student Federation conference – join the revolution! The MSF recently held its largest ever national conference, with hundreds of young people from schools and universities across the country taking part. There has never been a better time to get involved and join the revolution!
Britain: Starmer and the right wing rattled – fight for a recall conference! Following a fortnight of blunders, Keir Starmer and the Labour right wing are on the defensive. Bold calls for a recall conference are clearly making a mark. The left must press forward and take the fight to the right.
Britain: Tory ‘war on woke’ – a divisive distraction from establishment crimes The Tories are attempting to whip up hysteria around questions of identity and culture, in an effort to distract from their own failings and divide the working class. The left must fight a class war, not a culture war.
Britain: MSF Conference 2021 – Revolutionary Youth for Revolutionary Times The Marxist Student Federation in Britain invites you to the online MSF Conference 2021 this Saturday! The past six months have seen enormous students struggles emerge, with the biggest University rent strike movement in forty years foremost amongst them. We have also seen the government's attempt to write anti-capitalism out of schools, which the MSF answered with its Tell the Truth campaign. All this and more will be discussed. Buy your ticket now!
Ireland under Brexit: crushed between the millstones of imperialism Brexit is only a month old. But already, Ireland has been caught in the crossfire as the UK and EU clash. The menace of Protestant sectarianism is rising once again. Only united class struggle can offer a way forward.
Britain: recall conference campaign launched – let the members take back control! Left-wing groups and trade unions in Britain have come together to launch a united campaign for an immediate recall Labour conference, to fight back against the right wing's attacks on party democracy. We say: Put power in the membership's hands!
100,000 dead in Britain: bosses’ system to blame Britain has officially passed the figure of 100,000 COVID deaths. Despite claims of inevitability and attempts to shift the blame onto ordinary people, this was never inevitable and it is the Tories – and the system they defend – that are to blame. This article was originally published 27 Jan at At the current time, the death toll is closer to 110,000.