Private Finance Initiative: Britain leads the way - to disaster! This article deals with the scandalous so-called "Private Finance Initiative" in Britain. This process allows private companies to be involved in the building and running of what were formerly public services, such as hospitals, railways, and even schools. Mick Brooks shows quite clearly that the only people to benefit from PFI have been the fat cat capitalists who run the private firms.
Britain's summer of discontent - Part Two: 1-0 to the workers, but it should have been more This article is a follow-up to Britain's Summer of Discontent - An Earthquake in the British Labour Movement. The magnificent one million-strong strike of local authority workers on July 17 has forced important concessions out of the government. Anyone who still doubted the power of militant industrial action has been answered.
Britain: Militancy on the March - The Change Taking Place in the Unions We have covered the dramatic changes taking place in the British trade unions in previous articles. Here we examine these developments in the context of the 2002 TUC Congress which takes place this week.