A Reply To Peter Hitchen's article in The Mail On Sunday I read the latest propaganda with a feeling of foreboding, and we must constantly remind ourselves as Marxists just what sort of thing we are up against on a daily basis from those spokespeople of capital.
Iraq and the anti-war demos - A letter from Coventry Over the past few months I have been reading on your website and in daily newspapers information about anti-war demos around the world. On the evening that war broke out I also went to a local meeting here in Coventry against the war that was organised by the Stop the War Committee.
Britain: New Labour - a historical assessment In this last article in her series on the History of the Labour Party, Barbara Humphries looks at how the turn to the left in the 1970s was cut across and how the present Blairite clique came to dominate the party, and draws the lessons for today's activists. The present turn to the right is nothing new in the party's history. As in the past it will be followed by a turn to the left.