What's all the song and dance about asylum seekers? Mick Brooks answers some of the myths and distortions about asylum seekers and "illegal immigrants" by simply stating what the facts are.
As British Unions shift to the Left - Don't get angry, get even! The victory of Tony Woodley as general secretary of the powerful Transport and General Workers' Union, Britain's third biggest union, is a further confirmation of the continuing swing to the left in the British trade unions. It is also a clear indication of the discontent within the union rank and file with right wing trade union leaders and the policies of the Blair government.
Britain: Economic fears of deflation and the last laugh Marx explained long ago that capitalism operates through a series of booms and slumps. In the boom of the Nineties, his ideas were laughed at. Now, the situation is turning out differently as the world capitalist economy splutters. No wonder a recent article in the Financial Times stated, "Marx seems to be getting the last laugh yet."