Britain: Visteon workers occupy plants! Visteon workers in Enfield and Basildon have joined with Belfast workers in occupying their plants. Management has put the firm into administration and workers were just brutally kicked off the premises without any notice. Belfast workers have been defending their occupation by staying in overnight. The workers are taking action because they have to.
Marching against the G20 summit in London While the G20 prepare to meet, a week of protest activity has also been going on, starting with last demonstration of around 35,000 people. Here we provide a brief report.
Going, going, gone? The referendum on Scottish independence The chances of a referendum on Scottish independence appear increasingly distant following a Scottish parliamentary vote in favour of a resolution condemning moves towards one. This is a huge blow to the Scottish National Party but it has also done little for a Labour Party that has lost all sense of direction, as its leadership exposes itself as utterly unable to capitalise on the SNP’s fall from grace.