Swiss railways manager defends centralised planning – Blair could learn something from him A recent interview in the British newspaper, The Times, with a Swiss rail manager underlines the disastrous effects of privatisation on the British rail system. He points out that “You have to have a central command and control”. Blair should listen.
The Challenge to Blairism Strikes, demonstrations, political crises, Britain looks a lot different now than it did when Blair and co came to power. For us the task of the hour is to give active support to workers struggling to defend jobs and services and carry that fight over into the Labour Party, into a fight for socialist policies.
Why we are launching the Labour Representation Committee Socialist Appeal's deputy editor, Rob Sewell, interviewed Mick Rix, the former general secretary of ASLEF and instigator of the new Labour Representation Committee, about his views and prospects of reclaiming the Labour Party.