Britain: the pandemic vs the precariat - #NameAndShame the bosses As we have reported previously, the bosses are attempting to get away with murder, refusing to shut down non-essential businesses and keeping construction sites open. This is putting lives at risk - all for the sake of profits.
Britain: #NameAndShame – the bosses killing for profit As of midnight 23 March, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has declared a UK-wide lockdown. All non-essential businesses are being closed to contain the coronavirus outbreak. It is clear that this is too little too late from a big business government that places profits ahead of human lives.
Britain: no to Paul Mason’s culture war, yes to socialist policies! Following Labour’s election defeat, a massive battle has opened up to determine the future direction of the party. With the right-wing seeking to regain control, all sorts of ideas are being put forward, sowing confusion on the left. So not to be left out, the so-called left journalist Paul Mason, already discredited amongst a wide layer of activists, offers his contribution in a 21-page pamphlet: “After Corbynism, Where next for Labour?” His answer, unsurprisingly, is a shift to the right!