Britain - Amicus conference: shift to left continues The MSF and AEEU held their conferences last week as part of the process of fusion into one union, Amicus. A steady move to the left is taking place. The next step is the battle of the left to win the executive, after last year's victory that saw the candidate of the left, Derek Simpson, elected to the position of General Secretary of the AEEU.
Britain: Time to Reclaim Labour! The trade unions hold the key This is the leaflet distributed by Socialist Appeal supporters at last Saturday's (July 5) Socialist Campaign Group Conference in London. A full report will follow in the next few days. You can also download this leaflet in PDF format.
Britain - PCS Left sweeps to victory! We have reported in many articles the inexorable shift to the left that has been taking place in the British trade unions. Last year's move to the left in the AEEU (engineering workers) general secretary elections has probably been the most striking episode in this general process. Equally significant was the change in the TGWU (transport workers) where again the left took the position of general secretary. The latest development among the civil servants is another striking example of how deep the process is.