Britain: Grassroots movement to #KeepCorbyn snowballs

Over the past week, thousands have turned out at demonstrations and rallies in cities across the country in protest against the Blairite coup and in defence of Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party. We publish here a collection of brief reports, pictures, and videos that provide a vivid expression of the enormous rank-and-file movement behind Corbyn.

Alongside these massive rallies, rank-and-file Labour members have added their voice to those calling to #KeepCorbyn, with dozens of Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) passing motions in support of the democratically elected Labour leader.

It is clear that Corbyn retains the backing of the vast majority of Labour's grassroots, making it extremely difficult for the Blairites to remove him if he stands firm and doesn't resign. As we have noted elsewhere, the attempted Blairite coup has stalled in the face of this rebellion by Labour members and Corbyn supporters.

For example, Berwick-upon-Tweed CLP voted 60% in favour of Jeremy Corbyn remaining leader of the Labour Party, whilst a packed Hastings CLP meeting passed a #‎KeepCorbyn motion. Blaydon CLP has voted with a 90% majority to support Corbyn. Lewes CLP voted by a substantial majority to #KeepCorbyn, whilst the Isle of Wight CLP voted 44 to 15 to back Corbyn. A Corbyn supporter from North East Lincolnshire sent in this report:

Cleethorpes CLP met this evening and debated a motion calling for a vote of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn - very pleased to say this motion was lost and that 70% of those in attendance pledged their support for JC and asked the chair to send a letter to Jeremy stating this.

Meanwhile, this report was sent in from Corbyn supporters in Calder Valley:

Calder Valley CLP almost unanimous support for Jeremy Corbyn tonight in emergency resolution. Copies to NEC and Chair of PLP. One abstention 28 in favour, no-one against.

Elsewhere, Lewisham West and Penge CLP passed this motion of support for Corbyn:

And these notes from the Totnes CLP show that a motion of no confidence in Corbyn was defeated, whilst a motion in support of the Labour leader was passed:


The Manchester #KeepCorbyn last Friday evening saw three thousand turn out in Piccadilly Gardens in a massive display of support for the Labour leader. As the video below shows, speaker after speaker gave their backing to Corbyn and condemning the back-stabbing of the Blairites.


Not to be outdone by Manchester, over three thousand turned out in Liverpool on Saturday (2nd July) in defence Corbyn. According to the Liverpool Echo:

Thousands of people attended a rally in Liverpool city centre in support of Jeremy Corbyn on Saturday.

Hordes of people met outside Radio Merseyside with banners and flags in support of the under-fire Labour leader.

Speakers took to the stage to voice their support for Jeremy Corbyn and decried people who said the leader was losing support among the electorate.

Mike Hogan of Merseyside Momentum noted that "comrades can see the result in the clips [see below]. In the midst of this demo we signed up nearly 300 people as interested in Momentum and the Labour Party."


Hundreds turned out in support of Corbyn in Nottingham on Saturday at a Momentum organised rally. According to the Nottinham Post:

Around 300 people with banners, t-shirts and horns listened to speeches and cheered for the leader to stay in charge, claiming the views of the membership were the opposite to those of the parliamentary Labour Party in Westminster.

Local councillor for Wollaton West, Steve Battlemuch, thanked the crowd for turning out at short notice, as the event had only been planed a few days before.


Big turnouts seen twice in one week in Leeds, with hundreds present to defend Corbyn. Richard Burgon MP for Leeds East has been one of the most dedicated supporters of Corbyn's leadership and policies. Hilary Benn MP for Leeds Central, on the other hand, has been one of the key architects in this shabby Blairite coup...

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