First RKP party congress: forward to the world revolution! On the weekend of 14-16 March, more than 260 delegates and guests gathered in Vienna for the first congress of the Revolutionären Kommunistischen Partei (RKP), the Austrian section of the Revolutionary Communist International.
Austria: the Carnival Coalition comes to town After the recent failure of coalition talks between Austria’s conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) and demagogic right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ), the ÖVP again approached the Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the liberal Neos to revive talks of a three-way coalition, which had initially failed in early January after the elections late September. This coalition – which has aptly been formed just in time for Austria’s Carnival celebrations – has now been sworn in, with the ÖVP's Christian Stocker becoming the new Chancellor.
Anti-worker, nationalist coalition talks herald turning point in Austrian political landscape Ever since the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) took the most votes in the election last September, a number of the establishment parties have been desperately seeking to form a coalition government to prevent its coming to power. But despite their best efforts, the coalition negotiations between the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) and the New Austria and Liberal Forum (NEOS) have failed.
The founding of the Revolutionary Communist Party in Austria: a historic step On Saturday, 340 communists from all over Austria, as well as guests from neighbouring countries, came together in Vienna for the founding of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RKP). The purpose of this new party is to overthrow capitalism and build a society without exploitation, misery and oppression.
Austria elections: a reckoning for the establishment The recent elections in Austria saw polarisation to the left and to the right. The old government was punished, but the weak programmes of the Social Democrats and the Communist Party failed to create enthusiasm. Instead, the FPÖ won the election, basing themselves on fierce demagogic opposition to the status quo.
Austria: boldly building the Revolutionary Communist International From 22 March to 24 March, the annual national congress of the Austrian section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) took place. 225 participants discussed the crisis of capitalism, the upswing of the class struggle and the tasks of communists – worldwide and in Austria.
Hands off our comrades! Austrian state attacks the IMT for Palestine solidarity – an update As we recently reported, comrades of the International Marxist Tendency in Austria are under attack from the state apparatus for opposing the oppression of the Palestinian people. Two comrades have been falsely accused of ‘supporting terrorism’ for promoting the IMT’s statement against the war on Gaza. Below is an update on the legal case against our comrades Alex and Sonja. This is followed by some reports of the incredible wave of solidarity that our comrades have received.
Austrian state apparatus attacks the IMT over Palestine solidarity In yet another scandalous attack on freedom of expression, a number of our Austrian comrades have been summoned by a state prosecutor for their support for the IMT and Palestine. We thoroughly reject the baseless accusations of the Austrian state, and express our complete solidarity with the comrades subject to this attack.
Austria: communists the focus of political attacks as Gaza war accelerates crisis Bourgeois democracy in Austria is in a senile crisis. Like in other countries in Europe, the Hamas attacks of 7 October have been used to whip up a reactionary mood. Muslim migrants and the communists of Der Funke (the IMT in Austria) are at the centre of these political attacks, with reformist leaders of Social Democracy and Communist Party actively persecuting party members who stand in solidarity with the Palestinians.
Austrian Pfingstseminar 2023: enthusiasm and determination – for socialism in our lifetime! This year’s Pfingstseminar, the annual seminar of the Austrian section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), was the largest ever, with over 200 participants. It was a truly internationalist seminar with many comrades from Germany, Switzerland, Czechia, Hungary, Britain and Yugoslavia, and it was a great success.
Austria: “the best Pfingst Seminar ever!” Over the last weekend, from 3-6 June, what everyone attending agreed was “the best Pfingst Seminar ever”, was held in an idyllic spot in Upper Austria. With over 170 participants, it was the biggest seminar the Austrian section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) has ever organised.
Austria COVID protests: no to division and demagogy, the bourgeois are to blame! Last weekend saw mass demonstrations in Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Bregenz and other Austrian towns, involving tens of thousands of people. These protests were a response to the recent announcement of a fourth national lockdown due to an explosion of COVID-19 cases. This will be followed by mandatory vaccination next year. The rotten Austrian establishment has totally bungled its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dividing the working class by blaming ‘stupid’ individuals for dragging out the crisis offers no solution, and neither does denying the importance of vaccination. Only a class analysis can explain what is going on and put the blame for this disaster where it belongs: with the...
Communists secure major victory in Austrian municipal election The municipal elections in Austria’s second-biggest city, Graz, were a political earthquake. The victory of the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) shows a categorical rejection of the hated bourgeois establishment that has managed the city for years, and opens up a perspective of a broad offense against social welfare cuts and an end to Graz’s tenure as a private investors’ paradise.
Vienna: terror amidst a rising humanitarian crisis At 8pm on Monday, gunmen armed with assault rifles opened fire on the streets of Vienna. So far there are reports of four deaths and 15 wounded, of which seven are in a critical condition. Starting in Seitenstettengasse, the attackers carried out shootings at six different places in the inner district of the city. In addition to the civilian casualties, one of the attackers has been shot by police forces. An unknown number of other terrorists have, for now, managed to escape into the city. This is the first major terrorist attack in Austria in 45 years.
Marxists around the world march against racism The protest movement sparked by the brutal police murder of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in Minneapolis has spread around the world. In over 20 countries, workers and youth marched and demonstrated against racism, both in the USA and locally. Comrades of the IMT have been participating in these protests, raising slogans for the revolutionary overthrow of the inherently racist capitalist system.