Statement by IMT on Hugo Chavez death at 32nd Congress of The Struggle The recent congress of The Struggle in Pakistan opened with Fred Weston reading out a statement by the IMT on the death of Chavez and the way forward for the Venezuelan revolution. Here we provide a video of that session.
[Audio] "The legacy of Hugo Chavez" Jorge Martin talks to Sylvia Richardson Latin Waves is broadcast on CJSF, the Simon Fraser University radio station in Vancouver, but then syndicated to a whole series of radio stations across North America and beyond.
[Video]: Pakistani Marxists singing the Internationale at their recent congress We reported recently on the extremely successful 32nd congress of the Pakistani Marxists of The Struggle. Here we provide a five minute video of the end of the congress when the comrades sing the Internationale, led by the famous Pakistani singer, Jawad Ahmad. It is worth watching as it gives a real flavour of the mood at the congress.