[Audio] The War in Georgia and the National Question The war in Georgia represents yet another turning point in world relations. Like a heavy rock thrown into a lake it has caused waves that will affect the whole world. Overnight the overweening arrogance of US imperialism, which had learned to look complacently at the entire planet as its sphere of influence, was been dealt a hard knock from which it may not recover.
[Audio] VHeadline interviewed Alan Woods on the conflict in Georgia and the latest developements in Venezuela In the Wednesday edition of the VHeadline Venezuela Newshour, broadcast on the American Voice Radio Network (AVRN), John Sanchez and VHeadline editor Roy S. Carson interviewed Alan Woods on the recent conflict in Georgia, the current state of world relations and the latest developments of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela.
[Audio] Marxism and Art In May this year Alan Woods spoke to a meeting of Socialist Appeal in London on the question of Marxism and Art.