[Audio] Global Crisis! Global Fightback! Hear this recording from a public meeting held by Edinburgh supporters of Socialist Appeal on the ongoing economic crisis effecting millions of workers and poor people across the globe. Speaking were Fred Weston, editorial board of the website In Defence of Marxism, and Bayo Ogunrotifa of the Nigerian Marxists Campaign for a Workers Alternative.
Italy: Red Festival of FalceMartello - more videos The "Red Festival" of the comrades of FalceMartello held in Bologna, Italy, closed on June 29. Here we provide a link to more videos, including debates with international visitors from France and Spain, and an interview with Alan Woods who spoke at the festival.
[Audio] The Iranian Revolution and the question of the State Hear Fred Weston speaking to a recent meeting of Socialist Appeal in Edinburgh on the current Iranian Revolution. He also connects the movement against the Iranian regime with an analysis on the question of the state in a capitalist society.