Video of Hugo Chavez thanking Hands Off Venezuela Here we publish a video clip of Venezuela's President, Hugo Chavez, thanking the international solidarity campaign "Hands Off Venezuela" and its founder Alan Woods. Chavez thanks HOV for organising a mass rally for him in Vienna the night before. London, UK May 18 2006.
Video of Marxist MP Manzoor Ahmed speaking in Pakistani Parliament against privatisation Marxist Member of Parliament Manzoor Ahmed speaks in the Pakistan Assembly on the budget 2006, CUT motions, inflation and increasing prices, and the militant MP speaks out against privatisation. Watch the video at the PTUDC website.
Video of 2006 Congress of Pakistani Marxist Tendency "The Struggle" 20 minute video clip of the annual congress of the Pakistani Marxist Tendency "The Struggle" that took place in March 2006, where a thousand comrades from all over Pakistan were present.